Friday, February 29, 2008
Fear, Fear, Fear!
We need smart politics and that will lead to smart policies. That is the only way to get out of the Bush mess we are in.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Who Does This Guy Work For?
In a single day George Bush has showed us how absolutely out of touch with regular Americans he is.
Today he said he would veto clean energy incentives because they are paid for by getting rid of tax breaks for the oil companies. The same oil companies that are raking in billions in profits.
He said that his "no talking" approach to foreign diplomacy was working. Have relations with Cuba, North Korea or Iran gotten better with Bush in office. Nope!
He said the economy is not in recession. Has he visited Michigan or Ohio lately? Does he realize that gas is approaching $4 / gallon, groceries cost more than ever, health care costs are going up faster then most people pay raises (if they get one), and on and on?
I will stop there, but I am sure that George Bush does not live in my reality and I suspect nearly all Americas feel similarly.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Gods Must Be Crazy II
I bought it and watched it with my kids. To my surprise, this "old" movie caused them to bust a gut so hard that they almost cried. They also thought that the sequel was even more funny then the original.
It just goes to show you that good comedy can span generations.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
What will a Name Mean to America?
In 2008, how far have we really come in regards to the things that have traditionally divided us?
It seems that this year will be the time to answer that question definitively. We have lived through 7 years of a politics of fear. 9/11 followed by two wars and countless concessions in regard to our privacy and civil liberties. It appears the pendulum is swinging hard back the other way to a time when we believe that, as Franklin Roosevelt said, “All we have to fear, is fear itself.”
It is becoming clear that this will be the card that the Republicans will play this year. Fear for fear’s sack. It starts with the Muslim false email. Followed by the madrassa accusations. Then there was Barack's middle name. Next we have the Somali garb photo.
So who is this scaring? We need to ask ourselves what does America stand for? Do all Muslims scare us? Do names make us squeamish with fear? Does a white robe and tunic make someone a terrorist?
It is insulting, for sure, but the sad fact is that it will play with many Americans.
If you feel fear in your heart when you hear or see these things, ask yourself, “Am I really that insecure about America? Am I that insecure about my own identity? I am going to blindly be afraid without asking questions?”
It is an insult to your intelligence and what America stands for to let these things scare us.
Politics may have been a game for a long time, but that time needs to come to an end this year. 2008 is too important. Too many people have died over the last 7 years and too many American’s lives are on the line in the future.
Make a decision about the presidency based on the facts, not silly photos or the heated “Jerry Springer Show” politics of the past.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Clinton, Fear Mongering... The Picture
The Clinton campaign circulated a picture from Obama's 2006 goodwill mission to Africa in hopes it will "scare" up a few more votes for her. Well, this is sad indeed.
I know this has made many Obama supporters upset but actually, this is good for him. If the worst thing they can produce is a picture of him in funny clothes from a Goodwill mission to Africa, then he will be fine.
The only people this will scare are those that are uneducated and easily persuadable by such nonsense. BTW - this photo is not new. Obama let a documentary team follow him around on this goodwill trip so a bunch of conservatives have had the photo for awhile. My guess is they are upset they did not get it to the main stream media first. Clinton's dirty politics beat them to the punch.
Remember, "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger". And I am not talking about just Obama, we need to get past this kind of garbage in our politics and starting building a coalition for real positive changes in America.
Here is more from the ABCNEWS:
...The photo of Obama in native garb during a visit to Wajir had largely been posted in two places prior to today -- on African websites such as this one, and on conservative websites where posters ludicrously claim Obama, a Christian American, is some sort of covertly Muslim operative.
... The Obama campaign publicized his August 2006 trip to Africa and even permitted a documentary film crew to come along for 2007's "Senator Obama Goes to Africa."
Sunday, February 24, 2008
What You're Missing While Watching Ohio & Texas
Sure all this could change by November but if you are someone that thinks the Dems could do better than the last seven years of Republican control then take notice.
In New Mexico, Clinton loses by a whooping 12 points and by the same margin in Wisconsin.
In Iowa, she loses by 17 points!
Obama wins or ties in all these contest in the same polls.
This on top of the national polls all showing Clinton getting beat.
Take a look here: link
Saturday, February 23, 2008
What Can Hillary Do To Win?
There really is nothing left they can do.
It is Obama's to lose only.
Like today with the "mailer" hub-ub. It was very strategic on Hillary's part. Here is why...
On a SATURDAY come out hard on a mailer that has been out there for weeks... why?
Because all the SUNDAY morning talk shows will bring it up. Pretty good move right?
Well, not really. The messages in those mailers are basically true. So once questioned, the Clinton surrogates are put in a hard spot. I mean, her health plan DOES have mandates and she DID support NAFTA. So what are they going to say? "Obama was mean for pointing this out".
The goal here has nothing to do with the subject matter (Health Care or NAFTA). The Clinton campaign wants her to look STRONG / TUFF while they portray Obama as MEAN / UNINSPIRING.
Problem for Clinton is that she has done so many cheap hit jobs on him that people just roll their eyes now. It only plays with folks that already support her.
So, I think this is at a stage where it is really Obama's to lose. Unless he says TWO really stupid things (outright gaffs) that make him look foolish or some undisclosed secret comes to light... it is over.
I think it was over after Wisconsin voted... Texas and Ohio are just about saving face.
It is just plain simple delegate math and the fact she will be out of cash one week from Tuesday.
Clinton's Mailer Blather
Hey... I grew up in Ohio & Michigan, drive through the small towns and you will see a depressing sight. NAFTA was a killer for those states.
Obama is right to point this out. What is worse is her response to trade treaties. "We'll re-evaluate"... I think the people in Ohio and Michigan want better.
She can come out hard when she is questioned, too bad that same passion is not there for the people of Ohio and Michigan.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Coyotes in the Front Yard
To my amazement there were two coyotes dashing across the field across the street. The larger one was chasing away the smaller one.
Their low back ends, speed and sleek gallops were a dead give-away. I had to explain to the boys that those were not "dogs" at all.
I do not think I have ever have seen wild coyotes before.
So now we know where the wild turkeys went.
Obama Story Completely True!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Debate - CNN - Flapping Piece of Paper
That little piece of paper in front of Obama just would not sit down as the air conditioner blew it... that was funny. I counted 10 times that the little piece of paper in front of Obama went "free".
Obama looked presidential and Hillary had a good closing statement.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Pro Clinton 527 Attack Ad Sleaze Balls
ALP is being run by the following people:
Jason Kinney, of California Strategies, LLC, a former senior communications advisor and chief speechwriter to former California Governor Gray Davis;
Mattis Goldman of SeaChange Media, a former ad maker for Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Maryland, who works for . (Samples of Goldman's ads can be seen HERE).
Erick Mullen, a political consultant with lots of Capitol Hill experience who has worked for the presidential campaigns of Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.) in 2004 and former Sen. Bill Bradley, D-NJ, in 2000, as well as the successful 1998 Senate run of Chuck Schumer. (Mullen's website is HERE).
Paul Rivera, founder of Britton Marcy, LLC, senior political adviser for the 2004 Kerry-Edwards campaign, and a Clinton- Gore White House advance staffer from 1994 through 1999.
Roger Salazar of Acosta|Salazar LLC, who worked in the Clinton White House from 1994-1999 as assistant press secretary, national spokesman for then-Sen. John Edwards' 2004 presidential race, national spokesman and deputy press secretary the 2000 presidential campaign of Al Gore, and press secretary for Gov. Davis' successful re-election.
The law firm representing the group is Remcho, Johansen & Purcell, LLC. Accounting and bookkeeping is being handled by Nancy Warren of the San Francisco-based Warren & Associates LLC.
Autism Fundraiser
Autism Walk
Mayor Bloomberg Calls Zero Votes for Obama Fraud in NY
This could get interesting.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Here We Go! Thanks Wisconsin & Hawaii
Obama is on a roll, time to get on board and start taking our nation back for the better.
Hillary, we are tired of your attacks and "old school" politics.
Strange Results in New York
With many of these districts being in heavily African-American areas, that would be surprising.
According to the New York Times, there is a review of these votes and you can read about it here:
As these "anomalies" get corrected it will surely mean that Obama will be picking up a few more delegates and Clinton losing some.
Clintons Trying to Steal Delegates
Clinton folks are now courting Obama's "pledged" delegates to try to steal them away.
Hillary... If you can't win fairly, then knock it off.
It looks like the Clintons are willing to tear apart the Democratic Party in order to win.
This is what we are tired of. No more of this type of politics... please!
Once the media got wind of the plan and the Clinton campaign realized they were busted, they now have "pledged" to refrain from trying to poach delegates.
I just have to wonder what the Clinton pledge is worth after her pledge not to count FL & MI delegates for which she is seeking their seating at the convention.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Can't Believe My Eyes! Oh Texas!
That is amazing when you consider that it was a 16 point lead on 2/15 (three days ago).
See this link for more: RealClearPoltics Texas
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Electability Polls - Sunday 2/17/08
Clearly, Obama is more electable. Her support peaks at 47% and has never risen above that.
We can not afford to lose another squeaker to the Republicans.
Clintons Cheat
This is just plain, old fashioned cheating. You break the rules; there are consequences. If you are advocating breaking the rules, then you are a cheater.
I do not care about subtle manipulations of the rules to get your way. I do not care that those in MI and FL want to be seated. The rules are the rules and that is all.
If those delegates are seated then every other delegate should walk out.
Integrity and fairness matter, just like words and actions matter. Repeatedly changing positions just because it benefits you is poor judgment because voters what to see that you stand for something other than winning at all costs. Mrs. Clinton needs to start running a positive campaign based on the future, not the past. That is her only chance to win. The alternative is a self fulfilling prophecy that proves that she will say or do anything to win, no matter the costs.
The voters want better than that this time. We have had too much of "anything goes" politics for that last 7 years with Bush. Hillary is starting to sound a lot like him.
Friday, February 15, 2008
An Open Letter to Super Delegates
I have four children, two of which are special needs. My youngest boy has full blown autism and my oldest boy has Asperger's syndrome. Because of their special needs my wife homeschools our children and tends to the various therapies that are required.
What is most disheartening to me is that I have a great job but we just can't seem to make it on one income. These therapies are expensive and the cost of my premiums for health insurance go up each year. So I worry about this all the time.
I also worry about my boys someday having to fight in Iraq because we can't come together as a nation and get out in a responsible way.
I know that the candidates are not too far on the technical details of their proposals but what I see in Barack is real chance to unite this country. We need to get past the politics of the past and really pull together. We need to stop the sniping and petty bickering for political points. I am confident in one thing. If Hillary wins there will be a continuation of the that type of politics.
In the 90's I was so happy to have a democrat in the White House I did not care about these things. Now, I see a real chance to doing something even better. That can only happen with Barack Obama as President.
Please seriously consider supporting him at the convention or sooner. Let's get the party together and get started with some real change for a change.
Thanks for your time.
James C
Derby, KS
Thursday, February 14, 2008
When You Meet The One That Takes Your Breath Away
That was it for me. I knew when I saw her walk into that dormitory as a freshman that she was something special. A kind of glow was around her as she took various boxes into the elevator to her new college residence.
I was manning a check in table and remember it clearly. Later I would talk to this seemingly shy girl about getting involved on campus. She took up that challenge and we had friendly discussions. It would be a couple of years before our two hearts would realize the significance of the encounters.
The shy girl, it turns out was not so shy. She was quiet, for sure, but that was not shyness, it was analysis. My love, it turns out is smart… very smart. That flowing blond hair was backed up by itelligence. That was a perfect combination for me. And there was more. There was an extra thing that many people lack. Passion of the heart. A drive to achieve and see things as they are.
So here we are, years later looking back with fondness at our first adventures realizing that they just keep coming. With four spitfire children and a multitude of real life challenges, I still see that wonderful girl. I see her in our children. They too are beautiful, smart and passionate. They show compassion for others that makes me know that the World is a wonderful place. This is because of Her.
That is the beauty that takes my breath away today. My kids, my wife… our family.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Obama for America
Now I really was not used to all this attention Barack was giving me. You see, I lived on the Republican side of town (west of Orchard Road... closer to the corn field then the mall). It was almost a joke to be a Democrat here. This was the land of Dennis Halstert. Who in the heck was this scrappy guy named Obama?
So after throwing out three mailers without reading them, the forth, I took a look at. It turns out that this guy had an impressive record in the Illinois legislator. He was an activist in early life, seemed to be a straight shooter and a family man. I decided to give the guy with the funny name a chance.
Barack ended up winning the primary and as soon as the Republicans imported a candidate from another state (Allen Keys), his fate was sealed. He was off to the US Senate with a landslide of a win.
Then came the Democratic Convention speech. It seemed so out of place to me. It was just plain beautiful to listen to. Everyone was impressed and said, we might see him running for the White House in 2012.
Suddenly, there that skinny guy was again. Running for president and I was now ever deeper in Red State country as my new job took me to Kansas.
So the debates roll by, the caucus' and primaries finally find their way to me. Barack wins Kansas in a landslide... I mean 70%+. Stunning! Why though?
The message of hope and "Yes We Can" go along with my philosophy of asking "Why Not?" whenever we are told we can't do something in America. It disgusts me how much American's settle for the status quo. It really is time to challenge the structures that are in place today and make sure that the next generation has the same passion for America that I do.
I hear all the time how America is the greatest nation on Earth. Is that still true? Is it more of a slogan or reality? I want to ensure that it is true. In order to ensure that, we all must get off the couch, turn off the TV and start making it happen. It is too easy to watch time and your life pass by without doing something truly inspiring.
I think the generation just coming into adulthood realizes this. They are just grasping the concept. It just needs a bit of structure and a few optimistic older folks to lead the way.
Barack Obama represent the first real opportunity to harness the energy that sits right there for us to generate real change. He is the spark that will light another fire of opportunity for America.
Face it, the policies of Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barack Obama and any other Democrat are not that different. The big difference is an inspirational leader that tells us we can do it with hard work. A leader that will not lie to us or treat the electorate like sheep. He does not play little tricks, he has a consistent message, and can deliver it with oratory skill that compare to MLK, JFK or Abe Lincoln. Words do matter!
Once America gets past the superficial and is bombarded with the reality of Barack Obama, hope with fill the air of America and our children will have something to really believe in.