Mr. Bush... here is your $4 gas.
Bush = totally out of touch with reality!
Messages from the end of the universe. Family, Politics, Life & A Love of Nature.
In 2008, how far have we really come in regards to the things that have traditionally divided us?
It seems that this year will be the time to answer that question definitively. We have lived through 7 years of a politics of fear. 9/11 followed by two wars and countless concessions in regard to our privacy and civil liberties. It appears the pendulum is swinging hard back the other way to a time when we believe that, as Franklin Roosevelt said, “All we have to fear, is fear itself.”
It is becoming clear that this will be the card that the Republicans will play this year. Fear for fear’s sack. It starts with the Muslim false email. Followed by the madrassa accusations. Then there was Barack's middle name. Next we have the Somali garb photo.
So who is this scaring? We need to ask ourselves what does America stand for? Do all Muslims scare us? Do names make us squeamish with fear? Does a white robe and tunic make someone a terrorist?
It is insulting, for sure, but the sad fact is that it will play with many Americans.
If you feel fear in your heart when you hear or see these things, ask yourself, “Am I really that insecure about America? Am I that insecure about my own identity? I am going to blindly be afraid without asking questions?”
It is an insult to your intelligence and what America stands for to let these things scare us.
Politics may have been a game for a long time, but that time needs to come to an end this year. 2008 is too important. Too many people have died over the last 7 years and too many American’s lives are on the line in the future.
Make a decision about the presidency based on the facts, not silly photos or the heated “Jerry Springer Show” politics of the past.
ALP is being run by the following people:
Jason Kinney, of California Strategies, LLC, a former senior communications advisor and chief speechwriter to former California Governor Gray Davis;
Mattis Goldman of SeaChange Media, a former ad maker for Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Maryland, who works for . (Samples of Goldman's ads can be seen HERE).
Erick Mullen, a political consultant with lots of Capitol Hill experience who has worked for the presidential campaigns of Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.) in 2004 and former Sen. Bill Bradley, D-NJ, in 2000, as well as the successful 1998 Senate run of Chuck Schumer. (Mullen's website is HERE).
Paul Rivera, founder of Britton Marcy, LLC, senior political adviser for the 2004 Kerry-Edwards campaign, and a Clinton- Gore White House advance staffer from 1994 through 1999.
Roger Salazar of Acosta|Salazar LLC, who worked in the Clinton White House from 1994-1999 as assistant press secretary, national spokesman for then-Sen. John Edwards' 2004 presidential race, national spokesman and deputy press secretary the 2000 presidential campaign of Al Gore, and press secretary for Gov. Davis' successful re-election.
The law firm representing the group is Remcho, Johansen & Purcell, LLC. Accounting and bookkeeping is being handled by Nancy Warren of the San Francisco-based Warren & Associates LLC.
That was it for me. I knew when I saw her walk into that dormitory as a freshman that she was something special. A kind of glow was around her as she took various boxes into the elevator to her new college residence.
I was manning a check in table and remember it clearly. Later I would talk to this seemingly shy girl about getting involved on campus. She took up that challenge and we had friendly discussions. It would be a couple of years before our two hearts would realize the significance of the encounters.
The shy girl, it turns out was not so shy. She was quiet, for sure, but that was not shyness, it was analysis. My love, it turns out is smart… very smart. That flowing blond hair was backed up by itelligence. That was a perfect combination for me. And there was more. There was an extra thing that many people lack. Passion of the heart. A drive to achieve and see things as they are.
So here we are, years later looking back with fondness at our first adventures realizing that they just keep coming. With four spitfire children and a multitude of real life challenges, I still see that wonderful girl. I see her in our children. They too are beautiful, smart and passionate. They show compassion for others that makes me know that the World is a wonderful place. This is because of Her.
That is the beauty that takes my breath away today. My kids, my wife… our family.