Reasons I REALLY dislike Hillary Clinton:
1) She outright lies
- Bosnia
- Pledged to not count Florida and Michigan
- "I was against NAFTA"
- Negotiated peace in Ireland
- "I am from Arkansas, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinos/Indiana and Guam???"
- I am not running a negative campaign
- "Obama can't win"
2) She is no friend of workers
- Gas Tax Pandering, loses 600,000 construction jobs
- Walmart, did nothing on the board to help
- NAFTA supporter before she wasn't
- "Lobbyists are good Americans"
3) Acts like a Republican
- Voted to Authorize the War in Iraq
- "Obliterate" Iran
- "You are with us or against us" on the gas tax holiday
- "McCain has passed the commander-in-chief test"
- McCain - Clinton Gas Tax Gimmick (Let them eat cake!)
- $109 Million - that is Republican type cash
- "He would not be my preacher"
- Calling Obama an Elitist
- "Jessie Jackson won South Carolina too..."
- vast
right-wing conspiracy endorses her
- Attempting to ruin the Democratic Party
- Threats on Democrats - "Judas"
- She is mean
4) Incompetent
- Failed to get universal health care passed
- Bankrupt campaign
- Crying in public
- Can't operate a coffee machine or gas pump
- Travel-gate
5) Thinks we are all stupid
- The gas station photo op
- Gas tax holiday paid for with money that is already spent
- Delegates are all that matter, oops, I mean super delegates, oops, I mean the electoral college, oops, I mean popular vote
- Hillary as inevitable, wait... emotional, wait... Rocky
6) Miscellaneous
- "Little states don't matter"
- "Caucus don't count"
- Should have divorced Bill when he received one of many blow jobs from an intern while Hillary was just down the hall
- Bill Clinton [his lying, finger wagging, business dealings, presidential library funding scheme and I do not want him wandering around the White House with nothing to do]
- Her "politics" - tit for tat, nothing will change
- Age, she has been jaded by her history... she is obviously bitter and it has made her a calculating, mean-spirited political beast. Her heart seems to be a dried up piece coal and attempts by her to shed a tear in public or care for others are as transparent as a freshly Windexed pane of glass.
- Her willingness to say just about ANYTHING to get elected. You must have principles and you can tell she doesn't because she has not taken one UNPOPULAR stand in her elected office career. If you only vote for what is popular you have no substance, you are just a hollow political robot.
- Truly represents the past, she represent the divisive politics that we need to desperately change in order to make America as great as it can be.