Friday, May 30, 2008

Prediction Time - MI & FL

My prediction for how Michigan and Florida will be decided Saturday...

FL - seated as voted
MI - 50 / 50 split
Both states - delegates get 1/2 votes including Supers.

*** UPDATE ***

I was 50% right but it turns out that Obama had the votes for a 50/50 spilt on Michigan. He offered the olive branch and the Clinton Team (being the Clinton Team) refused it. In the end, Obama gave the concession without being required to do so.

That is good leadership, the Clinton Team, even at the end of this, still showing their true colors. That is really sad.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

McCain Looking Out For You... If You Are a Lobbyist

More slime from the McSame camp. This time his chief economic adviser has been lobbying hard against home owners. Phil Gramm, the guy that could very literally be responsible for the current mortgage crisis, is McCain's chief housing adviser and has been mentioned as McCain's possible Treasury Secretary. WOW! That is just crazy!

When will America wake up to the fact that the Republican Party is filled to the rim with slimy lobbyists only working against us to steal our tax dollars. Stand up to this people!

Here is the link.

Why is McCain Hiding His Bush?

So much for straight talk when you are hiding out with the worst president ever. Maybe they can go to Cheney's "undisclosed" location next and get some more sleazy fat cat Republican money to smear Obama with.

Stand for Change, Stand for Hope! Go Obama!

Pig-headed Arrogence

McCain again seeks to align himself with Bush today on the the issue of engaging our enemies with diplomacy. Let me ask you... when has not talking ever solved anything? And what does it hurt to try? If you are worried about America's image abroad then you can only go up from what Bush has done to trash our image Worldwide. Arrogance does not make a great foreign policy and McCain is walking lock-step with Bush in that department.

Do you really want 4 more years of this Republican crap? Unless, of course, you like $4 dollar gas, grocery bills up 10%, house values down 15% and an endless war.

It's up to you!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Enough! Go to Hell Hill!

So after revealing her sick twisted soul, now the Hillary campaign is saying that it is Obama's fault that she said she is sticking around waiting for him to be assassinated.

This is so totally outrageous that I can not really even stand it.

Hillary is a totally, twisted person that even if a horrible thing does happen to Obama; she should not get the nomination. She is pure evil in the form of a lying, cheating, say-anything politician. Just SICK!

Say goodbye Clinton, your legacy is dead.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I Did Want To Do This... Clinton, GET OUT!

I have kept my comments in check for the past few weeks because it is apparent that Obama has wrapped up the nomination, but that MUST change NOW.

Hillary's insensitive comments about Bobby Kennedy's ASSASSINATION are just so TOTALLY out of bounds. It truly is a window into a DARK soul that is obviously only fed by unadulterated ambition.

I could give her the benefit of the doubt before for so many many things but NO MORE!


I can not agree more with Keith Olbermann's comment below.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

World's Richest Man Endorses Obama

From the AFP... Warren Buffett, the world's richest man, is backing Barak Obama for US president and thinks current US economic policy will push the dollar lower against other global currencies...

Full text

Obama is Tough

Obama is no John Kerry... I like John a lot but Obama is more directly aggressive against the slimy Republican attack dogs.

He represents what we need in leadership as Democrats... he is charismatic, smart and tough!

Plus, he speaks what the American people need, the TRUTH. That has been in short supply for 8 long years.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Now That is a Crowd! 75K +

Obama speaks in Portland.

Oh John, You Are Just So Much of the Same

John McCain's national finance co-chairman has stepped down, becoming the latest adviser to leave the Republican's presidential campaign because of ties to lobbyists... ABCNews

This list goes on and on...

John McCain's chief strategist Charlie Black isn't losing any sleep about his firm's involvements with some of the worst dictators and human rights abusers in the world... HuffPost

Scroll down to see more 2 posts ago.

The slime just oozes from John McCain and the Republicans.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Double Talk Express

McCain once supported talking to our adversaries and suddenly has changed his tune.

Collen Powell visits Syria as Secretary of State and McCain defends the move. Hamas over-runs Gaza and McCain suggests that we are going to have to deal with them.

Republicans actually have a history of talking to our enemies. What about the Bush administration talking to Libya (a very rare foreign policy success)? What about Regan talking to the Soviets? What about Nixon going to China?

So why are Bush and McCain now criticizing Obama?

Maybe they have forgotten their own past actions. Maybe they think we do not remember.

I do not like to criticize people for being old, but McCain's age is a serious issue. Making a simple mistake like this for such a MAJOR policy issue that will shape the future of our standing in the World is very SCARY.

Let's pray to God that Americans will not fall prey to the over-simplified attacks and slogans of the Republican slime machine. Being fooled a 3rd time by fools would doom our children to a future of America in decline.

Watch out of the fat man who has been eating too much rich food for the past 8 years, a la Karl Rove, while the rest of us struggle to pay the grocery bill. Watch out for the double talk, do not forget your history.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Republicans Have Very Questionable Ties

*** UPDATE 3 ***

Did you know that top McCain advisor Charlie Black, was lobbying for deals for rogue leaders like the regimes of Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Mobuto Sese Seko of Zaire?

It is gonna get a lot worse... these Republicans have slime dripping off their fingers!

*** UPDATE 2 ***

Cindy McCain is selling off her Sudan related investments. So now we find out that the wife of John McCain, is supporting the murderous regime in Sudan! And Republicans wonder why their brands sucks? I guess that helped pay for his discounted rides on her corporate jet?

No wonder she doesn't want those tax returns out. These are disgusting people!

Click here for more.

*** UPDATE ***

I told you so.... "NBC NEWS has confirmed that another McCain aide, Doug Davenport, has resigned because of his lobbying ties to the Myanmar government’s military junta. "

Isn't that great that Republicans work for dictatorships? Real American values... RIGHT!

It seems that the last 7 years of Republican domination have been a boon for Republicans financially.

As the curtain gets pulled back over the run up to the November election I think American may find out that they can actually be SHOCKED again.

The news today that the Republican convention head, Doug Goodyear, resigned for lobbying for Burma (aka Myanmar) is just the tip of the iceburg.


Is this what Republicans do... WAIT, you will see a lot more of this from Republicans.

They have strayed SO VERY FAR from the principles of fiscal conservatism and leaving government out of our personal lives.

The Republicans have basically prostituted the federal government as a cheap whore. The many ties between lobbyist and McCain and the rest of the Republican gang will soon be apparent.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

McCain's Spiritual Message of Hate

Jerry Falwell, John Hagee & Rod Parsley... fair is fair!

How is the World is McCain getting away with this?

These so-called Christians are just spitting hate.

The Jesus I read about in the Bible would never say nor advocate the things these guys say.

Why is Wright such a big deal when Obama clearly rejects him but McCain can EMBRACE these nut-bags and it is OK?

I think not!

Falwell may be dead but the other two are alive and thumping away at their hate-laden rants.

McCain needs to be taken to task for this and clearly explain why he HUGS the people that think Catholics are part of a "WHORE" religion.

The media needs to start reporting this.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's Finally Over!

Although Hillary has not yet conceded defeat, there is no longer anything that can stop Obama from winning the nomination.

His solid victory in North Carolina followed by the nail biter in Indiana was not the momentum changer she needed to continue.

Let's get on with uniting the party, winning the White House and taking back our country for the people!

Congratulations Barack Obama, the Democratic Presumptive Nominee of my great party!

Yes We Can!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Obama Skywalker - The Force is Strong with this One

Hillary Making George Bush Look Smart! Gas Tax Idiotic Idea

Think about...


- Give people $30 bucks over 3 months.
- Kill 600,000 construction jobs in the process.
- Pay for it with money you already spent on something else.
- Drive the demand for Gas UP! [Causing prices to rise further]

Wow... I can't believe someone actually made the worst president in US history look smart.

Thanks Hillary!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Why Not To Like Hillary - A Primer

Reasons I REALLY dislike Hillary Clinton:

1) She outright lies
- Bosnia
- Pledged to not count Florida and Michigan
- "I was against NAFTA"
- Negotiated peace in Ireland
- "I am from Arkansas, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinos/Indiana and Guam???"
- I am not running a negative campaign
- "Obama can't win"
2) She is no friend of workers
- Gas Tax Pandering, loses 600,000 construction jobs
- Walmart, did nothing on the board to help
- NAFTA supporter before she wasn't
- "Lobbyists are good Americans"
3) Acts like a Republican
- Voted to Authorize the War in Iraq
- "Obliterate" Iran
- "You are with us or against us" on the gas tax holiday
- "McCain has passed the commander-in-chief test"
- McCain - Clinton Gas Tax Gimmick (Let them eat cake!)
- $109 Million - that is Republican type cash
- "He would not be my preacher"
- Calling Obama an Elitist
- "Jessie Jackson won South Carolina too..."
- vast right-wing conspiracy endorses her
- Attempting to ruin the Democratic Party
- Threats on Democrats - "Judas"
- She is mean
4) Incompetent
- Failed to get universal health care passed
- Bankrupt campaign
- Crying in public
- Can't operate a coffee machine or gas pump
- Travel-gate
5) Thinks we are all stupid
- The gas station photo op
- Gas tax holiday paid for with money that is already spent
- Delegates are all that matter, oops, I mean super delegates, oops, I mean the electoral college, oops, I mean popular vote
- Hillary as inevitable, wait... emotional, wait... Rocky
6) Miscellaneous
- "Little states don't matter"
- "Caucus don't count"
- Should have divorced Bill when he received one of many blow jobs from an intern while Hillary was just down the hall
- Bill Clinton [his lying, finger wagging, business dealings, presidential library funding scheme and I do not want him wandering around the White House with nothing to do]
- Her "politics" - tit for tat, nothing will change
- Age, she has been jaded by her history... she is obviously bitter and it has made her a calculating, mean-spirited political beast. Her heart seems to be a dried up piece coal and attempts by her to shed a tear in public or care for others are as transparent as a freshly Windexed pane of glass.
- Her willingness to say just about ANYTHING to get elected. You must have principles and you can tell she doesn't because she has not taken one UNPOPULAR stand in her elected office career. If you only vote for what is popular you have no substance, you are just a hollow political robot.
- Truly represents the past, she represent the divisive politics that we need to desperately change in order to make America as great as it can be.

Clinton Camp Cheating in North Carolina

The Institute for Southern Studies (ISS), a left-liberal outfit in Durham with a hair-trigger on all voting rights issues, claims that the answer was good ol' voter suppression courtesy of a group with connections to the Clinton campaign. A Beltway non-profit with the tongue-twisting name of Women's Voices Women Vote has made robo-calls around the state—as it did ahead of other primaries—telling potential voters that the "packet" they must sign to be eligible to vote will soon arrive in the mail.

This is from and is being widely reported.

What kind of Democrat would allow this to happen?

If you love a cheater, then Clinton is and has been the answer!