Monday, June 30, 2008
Swift Boat Leader Now on McCain's "Truth Squad"???
McCain is the ultimate politician. He has changed positions more times than the number of times Bush has mutilated the English language.
This guy has been against more things he is now for and visa versa than one would think possible.
The only defense of this I have heard from McCain's defenders is that his positions "evolve".
What makes me truly sick is that the media is giving him a total FREE PASS on this.
Obama moved slightly to the center on a couple issues and they are all calling him a flip flopper while McCain has changed positions across the board and hardly anything is a said.
McCain is a huge flip flopper... PERIOD!
China Embarrassing Itself

I have been watching, at a distance, the lead up to the Olympics in China. It seems that there has been a real exposure of just what type of a government is there and the results of its horrible policies. The terrible suppression in Tibet, the smog in Beijing, the handling of parents of dead children from the earthquake, Darfur and now this algae bloom.
It reminds me of burning rivers in Ohio and the sludge in Lake Erie before we got serious about protecting the environment.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Obama Addresses NALEO

Barack Obama NALEO Video:
It was pretty easy to find McCain's video on the major new organizations but I could only find Obama's speech on CSPAN.
That is really weird because Obama's speech was incredible.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dobson Misses Huge Opportunity

As Obama reaches out to evangelical leaders to try to seek common ground, James Dobson wastes the opportunity and instead plays political games.
As an evangelical, I would be very upset that a chance to be heard in the future Obama administration was spit on.
If you think about what is best for faith, family and our great country then you see how playing politics as James Dobson did today was a real mistake. Truly great leaders are not afraid to talk to those they disagree with, Dobsob has shown weakness today.
There are certainly issues to disagree about but there are far more similarities. To talk openly and honestly face-to-face about the disagreements would have been a far better tact that this weak shot across the bow by James Dobson.
Certainly McCain has shown very little willingness to give evangelicals their due. It might be time to put down the rhetoric and try to make progress toward the "ends" we all have in common.
Religious leaders have learned repeatedly that when you mix religion and politics, you get politics.
What? You're Not A Millionaire?

The list of millionaires grows significantly and the rich keep piling on the wealth.
Just another reason we need Obama as president. Even the playing field for the middle class which is getting screwed by the Republicans.
Read More: link
Monday, June 23, 2008
McCain Does Not Know How To Use A Computer
How do we expect to have a President that is to move us into the future when this guy is stuck in the past.
Even my grandma plays online poker.
more... link
Rove - Blown Up Repeatedly
Rove and the concerted attack on Obama's character has begun. In synchronous fashion, the talking Rebulican heads come out trying to pin Obama as elitist. Rove, Black, etc...
How ridiculous for the Elite War Mongering Oil Men to be attacking Obama.
I am in Kansas and can tell you what Kansas values are all about. Obama is the best case study for what is great about the Midwest. Struggle, hard work, a little smarts and you CAN do great things.

Charlie Black is no better. Lobbying for dictators around the World.
These are sick people and I hope someday they are prosecuted for their sins. In the end maybe only God will reject them and send them to the fiery furnace of Hell for all eternity where they can get repeatedly blown up by suicide bombers.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Obama Going to Close Enron Loophole
It is just another example of gimmicks by McCain and real solutions by Obama.
Everyone that has a brain knows it is speculators that are driving the cost of oil... there is plenty of oil. When was the last time there was a shortage of gas at the service station?

Who's side is McCain on anyway? Oh yeah... Oil Men, Iraqis, etc at the expense of Americans.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Any moron that is paying attention can tell you that there is plenty of oil. Have to seen people fighting for gas at the pump? No! It is the speculators that are driving up the cost of oil (where do you think all that money that was going to real estate is going now?)
Don't be a fool and follow this fool McCain. He is pandering... and it is worse. His main economic adviser is a huge proponent of this speculation. Having help gut the regulation around energy we end up with $140 a barrel oil. BTW - Phil Gramm's wife was key in creating "Enron Loophole". Read more here: link
Other recent flip flops: Bush Tax cuts, closing Gitmo, eliminating torture of detainees... my fingers hurt, I will stop now.
WOW! Take That Giuliani
“Democrats are not going to be lectured to on security by the mayor who failed to learn the lessons of the 1993 attacks, refused to prepare his own city’s first responders for the next attack, urged President Bush to put his corrupt crony in charge of our homeland security, and was too busy lobbying for his foreign clients to join the Iraq Study Group,” DNC spokeswoman Karen Finney said. “Rudy Giuliani, can echo the McCain campaign’s false and misleading attacks, but he can’t change the fact that John McCain is promising four more years of President Bush’s flawed and failed policies on everything from energy security and the economy to the war in Iraq.”
Again, Obama is tough!
Monday, June 16, 2008
McCain Keeps the Cash from the "Rape is like the weather" Donar
Read more here: link
Just in case you you can't wait though... here is where Williams compared rape to the weather, saying, "As long as it's inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it." He also compared Ann Richards (Gov. Texas) to the cattle on his ranch, saying he would "head her and hoof her and drag her through the dirt."
Sunday, June 15, 2008
About Time... A TOUGH Democrat
‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’
As much as I admire that fact that Obama is by far the smartest candidate we have seen in awhile I like it more that he is not afraid to pick on or take on the opposition.
This was true during the Democratic nomination process (although there were lines he would not cross against a fellow Democrat). He has no such restriction against the Republicans or John McCain.
People forget that he is from Chicago and that is one tough market to play politics in.
Only New York is tougher.
From the statement above to telling the GOP to back off attacking his wife. Obama is a scrapper and that is a GOOD thing!
Monday, June 9, 2008
McCain Just Says "We Can't" To Everything
It seems to be No, No, No, Nope!
That means that rich just keep getting richer and the rest of us just keep getting screwed. That more troops stayin the Middle East with no end in sight, etc etc etc.
So to McCain I say, "We Can't... Vote For You!".
True Christian Faith and Obama Appeal

The Obama team is launching the Joshua Generation project.
This exciting project will capture the energy of young Evangelicals and Catholics and marry that with the great promise that the Obama message of hope presents.
For more information click here for the original article: link
McCain Has A Remembering Problem (or a Lying Problem)
Earlier this morning, we clipped an interview McCain did with Newsweek, in which he told the magazine that he didn't criticize the media in his speech Tuesday for overlooking Hillary Clinton's attributes. "I did not [say that] -- that was in prepared remarks, and I did not [say it] -- I'm not in the business of commenting on the press and their coverage or not coverage."
But as Politico's Martin writes, "video from McCain's address shows him giving the line as written... Presented with video showing that the GOP nominee did in fact read the remarks as they were prepared, McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said Newsweek's account of McCain's answer is 'paraphrased and unclear.' Rogers said he was not questioning the magazine's transcription, but pointing out that they included brackets."
Martin adds, "But given that he was responding to a direct question about a portion of the speech, it's unclear what else McCain could have been alluding to when noting twice that he 'did not.' That he also pointed out that the same section had been 'in the prepared remarks' only clarifies that he was referring to the passage in question."
Wonder what he would forget as president... "I did not say Bomb Iran... oops, maybe it was paraphrased and unclear". Yikes! Scary!Saturday, June 7, 2008
Hillary May Be Tough But...

Hillary may be tough but when I was a kid I thought the toughest women (besides my mother) was Linda Carter. She could kick anyone's ass, could dodge bullets like a Jedi (before there were Jedi) and that truth lasso was so cool.
Criminals and evil land developers did not stand a chance against Wonder Women.
I even got Acuvue lens because Linda was hawking them.
Now I find out that she is still at it. She actually found a dead body the other day... here is the story: link
Welcome Hillary

I have definitely had may share of upset moments at Hillary and Bill (as any reader of this blog knows). I certainly understand the frustration of Hillary supporters at this moment in time.

I have lots of friends that are Hillary supporters and I am happy to report that they are now excited to put a Democrat back in the White House.
I have started a fundraising drive via Obama's website for this. Please join me in making sure our future is brighter, not dimmed again by the incompetence of Bush and John McCain.
Click here to DONATE! The goal is $3000 before November.
Friday, June 6, 2008
More McCain Flip Flopping

Not less than 24 hours after his flip flop on the Everglades here comes McCain with a new one.
He was against Bush's wiretapping without a warrent program and now he is completely for it.
So my new name for McSame is now Flipper McCain!
Read more here: link
GOP Kills Climate Control Bill

Does the GOP want to leave our children with a planet is such distress that it is beyond repair? It is a shame that so many special interest have the Republicans in their back pockets that something as common sense as this did not get passed.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
McCain the Flip Flopper
Anyone that called Kerry a flip-flopper better realize that McCain is the king of Flip Flopping.
I hope that voters start to call him out on this.
All this while Obama is keeping his pledge to end federal lobbying money not only for his campaign but for the DNC. That is REAL leadership and a STRIKING change from the past.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My Choice... Obama-Sebelius

What a great ticket this would be. The Kansas governor, Sebelius, is no slouch as the Democratic governor of a solidly red state.
Since moving to the Wichita area from Chicago, I have been impressed with her toughness on key issues and her ability to clearly communicate a Democratic message to a less than sympathetic audience.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Middle America - STAND UP!
What has alway amazed me is that so many of my friends and family blindly keep electing Republicans evan as they totally take them for granted once elected.
From time to time they outright abuse them.
This is the case today with Dick Cheney's comments:
Cheney apologizes to West Virginians for inbreeding joke