Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Who Said This?

"Throughout the nation men and women, forgotten in the political philosophy of the Government, look to us here for guidance and for more equitable opportunity to share in the distribution of national wealth… I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people. This is more than a political campaign. It is a call to arms.”
Was FDR a Solialist?
Second Guessing the Democrat

What have Democrats everywhere been screaming for?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
McCain's Outsourcing Bias - A Case Study & True Story

One of the best stories to illustrate how McCain completely does not get the outsourcing crisis in America is a story he touts on the campaign trail. He calls it the "corrupt tanker deal" but there is a lot more to the story.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Denver - Goodness Gracious!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
This is What McCain is Protecting
So when you hear him say we should not spread the wealth around, these 5% of Americans are who he is protecting.
In my humble opinion, I can't see why he should get more than 5% of the vote.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Stunning Insensitivity of the McCain Campaign
I have come to a conclusion that the McCain campaign no longer represents regular Republicans.
I talk politics all the time. I have lots of co-workers and friends that are loyal and life-long Republicans. They are hard working, patriotic and decent Americans. They have civil conversations about issues and at no time, in this great state of Kansas or elsewhere, have I heard any of these GOPers say anything resembling the awful, hate-filled rhetoric coming out of the McCain-Palin campaign.

Here are some recent examples:
- There is true disbelief from these conservatives that Palin spent what could buy a nice home on cloths at Richie Rich shops. $150,000 is 4-6 times what the average Kansan makes in a year. With everyone having trouble paying for groceries this seems VERY excessive.
- These GOPers showed compassion that Obama's grandmother has a broken hip and could die. My own great-grandmother died after she broke her hip. Yet, I just watched a McCain surrogate say that Obama should be ashamed to take his jet "to go visit grandma". This was Brad Blakeman. That is so heartless.
- I have never heard of these reasonable Republicans say that Obama is a terrorist.
- Even though all these folks are Pro-life, many were amazed when McCain said that "the health of the mother" was a ploy regarding the abortion issue in the last debate.
- Most of these GOPers were baptized in a church and are surprised that McCain never has been.
They may not agree with Obama but the more I think about the values that the McCain-Palin campaign has shown compared to Obama, Obama sounds more like the Republican.
Things we can agree on...
- Obama's stance on protection of rights of hunters and even expanding hunting areas.
- Obama's aggressive stance on reducing teen pregnancy.
- Obama's tax cut for the middle class.
- Obama's plan to make sure all children have health care.
- Obama's commitment to protect social security and Medicare.
- Obama's strong support of Israel.
- Obama's commitment to fathers stepping up and taking more responsibility in child rearing.
- Obama's insistence that parent turn off the TV and video games so kids can concentrate on education and other more productive activities
- Obama's support of faith-based initiatives.
There are more, but these are the highlights.
When you add the positive message of hope and lifting people up, verses the almost completely negative campaign of McCain-Palin; it really is no wonder why McCain's support is flirting with falling below 40% nationwide.
Who Do You Trust
Obama has Colin Powell.
One is a guy how failed to pay his taxes and made up a story about having enough money to buy his bosses business.
The other is a decorated general, winner of wars, Secretary of State, etc.
So, who do you trust more? Joe or Colin?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
What Would Your Company Say If You Expensed Your Kids' Travel?
I think Palin is going to have a tougher re-election campaign once she gets back to Alaska.
So much for the being ethical... by the way. How does speading more on outfits then most "Average Joes" make in several years, make any sense? Are those cloths gifts?
McCain - Palin = More of the SAME!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
This is What McCain is Proud Of

A Missouri TV reporter asks McCain about an RNC flyer that depicts a jumbo jet on its cover, followed by a photo of the Illinois Senator.
Mailer says Obama “thinks terrorists just need a good talking to” and is “not who you think he is.” Being mailed in Missouri and Virginia.
See the exchange here: LINK
Monday, October 20, 2008
Prayers with Obama's Grandmother, Madelyn Dunham
Our prayers are with her and the family.
Republicans should be ashamed of the horrible attacks on Barack's character. There is no doubt that he loves his family and this country.
Shame on all those Republicans for putting politics ahead of our basic humanity.
Define: "What's Wrong With America"

This woman defines what is wrong with America and why we are so polarized.
Her name is Michelle Bachmann and she currently represents Minnesota district 06 (MN-06) which included St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids.
Instead of tackling the tough issues we need to address as proud Americans. She thinks that there are "pro-America" and "anti-America" Americans.
See Harball interview below:
Well, Michelle Bachmann, and those that think like her. We are ALL Americans. And we all love the ideals that our country stands for. I would no sooner call her "Anti-American" and some of my most conservative friends that I disagree with very much.
We just happen to have a different view of what it takes to move the country in the correct direction.
It is this type of harmful rhetoric that has stopped us from achieving our biggest goals. When we are attacking each other about who is more "American" then we are distracted from the REAL challenges we face.
BTW - that is exactly how the status quo wants it. If we are fighting each other; we are not achieving energy independence, fixing our economy, building better schools, repairing our infrastructure, getting health care to everyone, etc, etc.
I do not agree with Ms. Bachmann, but she is a real American. It just so happen she is an American that need not be representing St Cloud, MN anymore. Please support her all-American Red, White & Blue opponent: El Tinklenberg LINK
Heck, I'm from Kansas and I sent him a small donation.
More Backing for Obama's Stimulus Plan
This is something that Obama has been calling for for months: LINK
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Welcome Mr. Powell - Putting Country First

The former Bush Secretary of State crosses party lines to endorse Obama, calling him "a transformational figure" who could "not only electrify our country but electrify our world."
Also says McCain's negative campaigning has "gone too far" and he's concerned about his choice of Palin as running mate.
*** UPDATE ***
CBS' Bob Schieffer says that Powell "Is saying aloud what a lot of republicans...saying privately"
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Even BIGGER Endorsements for Obama

The Chicago Tribune, which has not endorsed a Democrat since its founding in 1847, is endorsing Obama.
Also, Michael Smerconish, a very conservative talk show host, is endorsing Obama.

These, along with the Washington Post endorsement, are simply amazing.
As an example, Smerconish served in the senior Bush's administration and was the Master of Ceremonies for George W. Bush's inauguration.
Now I am REALLY interested to see what Colin Powell does on Sunday's Meet the Press.
Palin Likes to Visit "Pro-America" Areas of the Country???
Does it mean if you are not a rabid Republican, screaming to kill the other guy that you are not "Pro-American".
Anyone remember Joseph McCarthy... calling out the "Reds"? Scary!
This coming from someone that spoke at a secessionist party's convention in Alaska of which her creepy husband is affiliated with.
This women REALLY needs to get off my TV.
Enough with Palin... goodbye! LINK
Thursday, October 16, 2008
BIG Endorsement - The Washington Post

They endorsed Obama for several reasons but I find the most telling here, "Mr. Obama is a man of supple intelligence, with a nuanced grasp of complex issues and evident skill at conciliation and consensus-building."
Read the whole thing here: LINK
Who is More Presidential?

Reuters reports on it here: LINK
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sad, Sad, Sad Conservatives
When conservative turn on their own, it can get very ugly. By the way, does anyone REALLY believe McCain is a conservative? All my friends at college that were "real" conservatives can not recognize Bush or McCain as true to the conservative values they would extol in college. Things like non-intrusive government, anti-federal bailouts of private industry, huge government debt, etc.
In many ways, Obama is more "conservative" than McCain.
Here is the whole article on Bill Buckley's departure: LINK
Obama on XBox 360 - Now That is Micro-targeting

Leaving no rock unturned, Obama is going for the youth vote but also he is going to pick up more than that. I know that many of my late-30s / early 40s friends play a heck of a lot of XBox Live and other games. This is just plain good marketing and a creative way to get your message out.
PLUS... NHL Hockey, the Red Wings and Obama... 3 of my favorite things!
Best Quote of the Day
Fun Facts - History of that Donkey

They say Andrew Jackson had been labeled a jackass by his opponents during the intense mudslinging that occurred during the presidential race of 1828.
This reminds me of when I was running for student government president and one of my opponents called our supporters a bunch of "ants". He did not mean it in a nice way but we just "went with it" and proceeded to print t-shirts with a bunch of "ants" building a better campus.

So there you go... turn a negative into a positive!

The rooster was used in Midwestern states.
Read more about the donkey and rooster here: LINK
Monday, October 13, 2008
Classic Palin - Confused
(RICHMOND, VA.) - Protesters at Sarah Palin’s rallies can always expect to be shot down with some choice words from the candidate. But at a rally here today, the confused Alaska governor mistakenly issued a stern rebuke to her own supporters.
The outdoor crowd was so massive that many were unable to hear Palin speak, so about midway through the Alaska governor’s remarks, some of them tried to take matters into their own hands, shouting in unison, “We can’t hear you!”
When that didn’t get the candidate’s attention, they tried a new tactic.
“Louder!” they shouted.
Palin appeared flustered as she stopped reading from the prepared remarks, which were coming across her teleprompter.
“I would hope at least that those protesters have the courage and the honor of thanking our veterans for giving them the right to protest!” she admonished the confused crowd.
Palin’s husband Todd tried to put an end to the awkward episode by approaching his wife on stage and telling her, “They just can’t hear you back there. That’s it.”
Palin responded, “OK. I’m doing that,” and then continued with her stump speech.
The Source of the BOGUS "Obama is a Muslim Claims"
The man behind the whispers about Obama is a crazy anti-Semite bastard named Andy Martin.
There is an article all about this nut job right here by the NY Times: LINKHere is a link to his profile on Wikipedia: LINK
Please read up then forward links to as many people as possible.
Friday, October 10, 2008
This is REAL Voter Suppression in 2008

This is how, in 2008, you keep people from voting. This person is made to take a day off of work to prove that they are a citizen. Who do you think can afford that more? The rich, the poor???
That is total crap, racist and discriminatory!
This should NEVER happen in our country.
It is a complete outrage. Here is a link to the whole CBS News story --> link
Now is Not the Time for Fear

This is how a president talks...
“This is not a time for ideology–- it’s a time for common sense and a politics of pragmatism…. I believe that we can steer ourselves out of this crisis because I believe in this country.”
This is what we need.
Look at what McMean offers as he implements his "How to lose an election in 25 days plan". People are concerned about jobs and their children's futures and all the McCain camp is doing is attacking Obama with outlandish claims.
This may have worked in the past, but not this time. Americans can see right through these desperate attempts to wreck Obama.
Obama is a good man. He has never slept around on his wife like McCain did to his first wife. He is not an angry old man like McCain. He is smart, unlike McCain. He expects far more of us than McCain and that is what real leadership has always been made of... helping people rise up and realize their potential.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Some Facts on McCain's Health Care Plan
The Statement
At a presidential debate Tuesday, Oct. 7, in Nashville, Tennessee, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama criticized the health-care plan of Republican opponent Sen. John McCain. "In fact, just today, business organizations like the United States Chamber of Commerce, which generally are
pretty supportive of Republicans, said that this would lead to the unraveling of the employer-based health care system," Obama said.
The Facts
McCain's health plan includes a $2,500 tax credit for individuals, or $5,000 for families, but also would end the tax-free status that employer-provided health plans currently have. The McCain campaign says that "families will be able to choose the insurance provider that suits them best and the money would be sent directly to the insurance provider."
Obama's comments appear to refer to an Oct. 7 New York Times article in which R. Bruce Josten, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's executive vice president for government affairs, called elements of McCain's health plan "very discomforting" to some in the business community. "The private marketplace, in my opinion, is ill-prepared today with an infrastructure for an individual-based health insurance system," he said in the article.
The article paraphrases officials from groups like the Chamber, the Business Roundtable and the National Federation of Independent Businesses saying that eliminating the income-tax exclusion would "accelerate the erosion of employer-sponsored health insurance and do little to reduce the number of
uninsured from 45 million."
Josten says there is a "huge question" whether the $2,500 for individuals or $5,000 for families would be enough to buy the same kind of coverage. According to the article, officials with eight business trade groups contacted by the Times predicted the McCain plan would raise costs and force some employers to stop providing health benefits.
Verdict: True. Obama accurately expresses the tone and content of the news article.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
$2.5 TRILLION in Market Value Gone and Counting
So far, stocks have lost well over $2.5 Trillion in market value. That is reflected in everyone's retirement 401Ks.
Do you want steady leadership or an erratic old man running the show as we work through these tough times? Or worse... the not-so-knowledgeable (and I am being nice here) Palin?
McCain's Guaranteed Success Tonight
I eat crow on this one... McCain did nothing to give the media an opening to declare him the victor.... absolutely nothing.
I promise you now, that the media will declare McCain the victor of the debate tonight.
Since he lost the first one, based on polling after the debate, the media will do everything in its power to keep this race close. They want the ratings, so mark my words...
The media has already made up its mind on this, the script is written and the "fix" is in.
Monday, October 6, 2008
We Are Sick of You!
We are sick of the STUPID politics of baiting people into voting on a single issue at the expense of the common good.
We are sick of rich greedy bastards driving common sense ideas into the ground.
We are sick of our country being run by people who put party ahead of country.
We are sick of being told we CAN'T.
We are sick of being told to be afraid.
We are sick of being told we can't work together for the greatness of America.
This is our country and we will not be deterred from taking it back. The ideals of America depend on strong steady leadership from someone that asks us to believe and work hard.
Our future, as a beacon of hope for the rest of the World, is at stake.
We are not going take smears and ridiculous attacks lying down. We will fight. We will rally. We will VOTE!
America will live up to the ideals that she stands for. It is our country and we are taking the standard of what is right for all and marching on. Naysayers be damned!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Last 30 DAYS! - McCain to Go RABID Negative
McCain Camp
1) McCain will not just "bend" the truth in his ads, he will actually tell bold-faced lies and make stuff up.
2) Expect character assassination to be the theme.
3) McCain will activate all those third party "swift boaters" to make outlandish accusations, like the recent infanticide commercial (Fox News will be the primary media outlook but it will be talked about on all networks and shown again and again)

Obama Camp
1) Stick to pocketbook issues that are based in fact.
2) The McCain Health Care Tax will be seen a lot for the next 30 days.
3) Expect quick replies to baseless lies, Team Obama will be ready.
4) Major ground game operations will be activated.
The Media
1) The media wants this close, it helps ratings.
2) Even with all the McCain lies and his 3rd party advocates spewing outlandish things, you can expect the media to slant this to McCain for the remainder of the cycle.
3) You will hear that this... "McCain is a good man with a bad campaign", "McCain is doing what he has to, it shows guts", "McCain is bold", etc, etc, etc
Game Changers
1) Not likely but a MAJOR flub in a debate could have an effect, because McCain is behind, expect him to attack, attack, attack.
2) Bombing Iran either by us, but more likely by Israel. If the polls are bad for McCain, expect this by Halloween. Remember, Republicans will do ANYTHING to win.
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Real Losers Last Night

After reading all the commentary about the VP debate this morning, I have come to the conclusion that the real losers after the debate is us.
As a kid, I remember reading about the fiery and passionate debate performances given during the Lincoln / Douglas Debates. The energy, ability to articulate and grasp of complex subjects were the keys to a successful debater. Even as a participant of debates, when running for Student Body President in college, I had to know me "stuff" and be able to communicate clearly my vision for the University.
Last night's debate showed us how low the bar could go. I thought I had seen some of the worst debates when watching George Bush, but now I see that we can set the standard on the ground.
Palin's mediocre speaking skills and 5% grasp of the issues that we face today were obvious. By not answering questions at all or answering with talking points I was insulted. If she is the defender and voice of Conservatism for the Republicans then Conservatives are really in trouble.
The reason that Palin does so poorly in one-on-one interviews is because there is a follow-up question. So once she recites the talking point, she is lost. It is obvious that she does not know how to to defend her positions because she has just a "surface" knowledge of them.
I know that Bush got away with this before, but this time around I am trusting that Americans are seeing this election in more serious terms. With the economy faltering, people want real detailed answers. A candidate that just uses the same old one liners should not be taken seriously.
A wink, a smile and a talking point should not be enough to win a debate on serious issues and certainly not enough to win the Vice Presidency of this great nation!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
What if Cheney was More Powerful? Palin Thinks So!

Here's a "Wink to Nowhere".
For all the non-substantive analysis by the media a BIG point missed was Palin's answer about the power of the Vice President.
She suggested that the power of the VP should be expanded. Yikes, I think we have had enough of a VP that has stretched his role far beyond what the Constitution has laid out. We need a VP that serves at the will of the President and nothing else except voting in the Senate to break ties. PERIOD.
Palin is a crazy airhead... sorry to say it, but she just has no substance beyond the canned answer!
Mine Workers Coerced by National Rifle Association
BLACKSVILLE -- Coal production at a mine in Monongalia County came to a halt today when every union miner stayed home, as part of a political protest.
It was an idle day Monday at the Blacksville #2 Mine.
More than 440 workers who are members of the United Mine Workers of America took what's called a Memorial Day instead of going to work.
Union officials say they took the day to protest after a film crew from the National Rifle Assocation showed up at the Consol mine last week to interview union workers.
They say the crew tried to get union coal miners to speak out against Barak Obama.
The UMWA has endorsed the democratic presidential nominee.
"This was a surprise visit," explained VP Local 1702, Safety Chairman Eric Greathouse, "and a lot of the miners felt this was a direct slap in the face of the union because they were trying to coerce our people into saying things against Barck Obama."
"Consol doesn't let anybody on their property - never," said Safety Committee Member Mark Dorsey, "And for them to let the NRA come on the property and solicit our membership was totally uncalled for. We made our endorsement to our political process and we didn't bother them and they shouldn't be harassing our membership over this."
The workers will return to work at 12:01 Tuesday morning.
A spokesperson for Consol said the company is not issuing any comment on the day.
Watch the video: link
Don't Let Republicans Cause Another Great Depression

McCain has his head in the sand and acts highly erratic.
We need a steady and smart leader to get us through this.
I am worried... I am worried for my children's future and my job. I am worried that health care costs will continue to rise and my wages will not. I do not see how ultra-rich people, like McCain, can possible help.
A new perspective is needed. A new positive energy for our country. Vote Obama!