What is the GOP offering you? The latest great new ideas from the mighty Republican party are pretty sad. How about this one? The government should freeze spending.
Yes, there is a good one. While the entire private sector screeches to a halt, let's take the last best chance for restarting economic activity and just "turn it off"? Only a complete idiot would suggest such a thing right now. You have to be 100% blind to what is going on around you.
Or how about this one? Let's not take stimulus money to extend unemployment benefits. WOW! Now that is a great idea there. What ever happened to compassionate conservatism? It sound more like, "lost your job, eh? Screw you conservatism".
I believe that when times get tough the "real" face of the political parties emerge. When you are faced with big challenges, how will you respond? The GOP is responding like walled-in rich people trying to protect their own interests by saying no to everything that could be good.
For those rich folks, I guess I can understand. What is sad though, is all the people that have been "feared" into following the same crap. These people, who are often worse off then most, are lead by what they hear on late night conservative radio. They believe what Rush and Hannity say. What they do not realize is that that are being used. Used as a small puppet army to parrot what the rich people want. Used by touting issues like guns and abortion.
America needs universal health care.
America needs alternative energy.
America needs good high paying jobs.
America needs to reduce terrorism around the World.
But rather then focus on the BIG things, all we hear are the same old petty snipes from the GOP.
I live in Kansas and it is very frustrating to hear people parrot the GOP line. I actually had someone argue that all unions should be wiped out so we can complete with the Chinese. This was his great idea. I said, heaven forbid that we have high paying manufacturing jobs in the U S of A. In the America my grandpa grew up in, it was with a ton of pride that you worked hard at your job. Blue or white collar, and everyone shared in the prosperity. I do not recall him ever saying that we should try to make our workers equivalent to 3rd world workers.
So this is where we have come to. It is those that ask, "why not" versus those that say, "we can't". I am proud to be a Democrat. I no longer have the patience for small thinking, trite Republicans. I will work hard to ensure that my kids live in a cleaner, safer and more prosperous America and feel great in knowing that our side wears the white hats in this battle for our future.