1) It totally exploits 9-11. This weekends should be a time to celebrate America's goodness and show the terrorist that we are not weak even in the face of horrible attacks. The use of 9-11 to market extreme partisan viewpoints is disgusting.

2) Judging from the signs being held by the protesters, this is more about attacking a black president. Obama as Hitler, Joker, etc. I would say there are way more signs that have nothing to do with "being fiscally conservative". At first I did not see these protests as racists but judging from the succession, "take OUR country back", and "buy a gun before its too late" talk. I am seeing this more about a black man being president than anything else. I mean, really, what has changed? The GOP were folks that started an unjustified war and gave huge tax breaks to wealthy that caused this financial mess we are trying to get out of. So where were the "fiscal conservative" protesters then? BTW - I Looked at every single picture of these protests this morning on FOX, CNN, CBS, ABC and MSNBC and could not find a single non-white person in a picture.

3) As stated above... the Republicans presided over the spending orgy that got us into this mess. So why are these protesters upset at the guy that is trying to drag us out of the mess the GOP created? Attacking health care for everyone? Attacking saving the auto industry? Attacking saving the banking system? So what would their alternative be??? DEPRESSION! Give me a break. This has very little to do with being "fiscally conservative".

4) It is amazing how people can follow a nut job like Glen Beck who said the victim families of 9-11 should "just shut up". And, the day after the anniversary of 9-11. SICK, SICK, SICK.
5) The groups sponsoring this rally are funding by corporate interests. Dick Army is a major lobbyist now and it is his group "Freedom Works" that is coordinating this. This group is all about the status quo. Meaning, keep the rich, rich... at the expense of the ever shrinking middle class.

6) Fox News is supporting it. They are the marketing arm of this rally. Enough said.

7) Lastly, many people and at least one group sponsoring the rally are calling for states to secede from the Union. Secession has another name. It called TREASON. It means you no longer believe in America. If you are that far off your rocker to call for civil war, then there is no hope for you. If you don't like your country, then Mexico or Canada are just a short drive away... so leave!