*** UPDATE 4/2/08 *** CNN is reporting that Walmart is backing down. Thanks to everyone that cried foul! We Win! Read more here.
I am so glad that Hillary had such a positive impact on Walmart for its workers as a member of their Board of Directors for 6 years. Especially regarding health care, her "life's work" as she put it.
Apparently it made such a great impression that they sued a woman who just lost her son in the Iraq war, after she was in a traffic accident and is now severely brain damaged. They sued her for all the damages she won in a civil suit. Over $400,000 to re-coup medical payouts under her health insurance. That leaves this woman practically penniless with only government disability benefits for her care. Her husband divorced her so she could get a few dollars more under this government plan. BTW - she has severe memory loss, so when the woman asks about her son in Iraq each day, she weeps upon hearing the news of his death as if it is the first time. Walmart should be ashamed. Now that is an American company you can be proud of!

So what about Hillary at Walmart? She did nothing about working conditions, she did nothing to help women get equal pay at Walmart, she did nothing for workers' health care, she did nothing to help workers organize but she did get paid $1,500 per board meeting. She also accumulated $100,000 in Walmart stock in addition to $18,000 per year as a board member. If that is leadership you can be proud of, then vote for Hillary!
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