Sunday, August 10, 2008

Chicken Shit Media - Edwards = McCain

*** Update ***

Visualize this... you are on the golf course and tee off on a par 3 hole. As luck would have it, the ball bounces on the green and rolls to a stop 1 inch from the hole. All you have to do is tap it in. Astonishingly, you decide to pick the ball up and walk away.

That is what the media is doing right now with this Edwards cheater story. There is a DIRECT comparison to McCain's infidelity. He cheated on his 1st wife, Carol, and they are purposefully not making the comparison. It is shameful that they can have all kinds of stories about Obama's past but not a single one about McCain's morally distasteful behavior when he returned from Vietnam as a celebratity. They even have postulated how the Edwards affair will affect Obama... what about how it will affect the other adulteror "John"... McCain?

He slept with many women, even his subordinates in the military. Then with Cindy. He paid off his first wife who had piles of medical bills after her car accident and got his divorce, agreeing to pay her bills for life. It is a disgrace that no one in the media will cover this. Quite frankly the main stream media is completely CHICKEN SHIT on this. ABC, NBC, CBS & CNN are all a bunch of spineless morons and afriad to challenge McCain on this.


In watching all the morning shows today, I was amazed at how many "will this hurt Obama" questions but not a single mention of McCain's affair on his first wife. Something he, like Edwards, has admitted to.

What gives? You can ask the question about the guy that has not cheated but not about the guy (McCain) the definitely has?

The media is weak weak weak!

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