Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Power of Change vs 50 Years of the Same
Do you realize that you have to go back to the 1960s to find ANY truly Earth shattering legislation that has come out of the Congress. That was Medicare. Over FIFTY years since the government of the US of A has been able to truly lead with anything akin to bold initiatives for changing our future for the better.
This is the abyss of the status quo and the moneyed interest represented by the lobbyist.
As I sit her typing this, I am listening to the mouthpiece of the status quo, Mitch McConnell tell Americans that we need to FEAR this change (as represented by health care reform). This is the ploy that we have fallen prey to for 50 long years and you know what? It is our own fault.
For those that know better, we have been too quiet. We should have spoke up. We should not have had better things to do then let out country be stolen by these thieves and liars.
The government is the representative of the "common good" and it can do good work. Those that say otherwise are busy trying to outsource govt services for profit or gutting the budgets that make for good regulations.
The right screams about Socialism, when really it is them and the easily scared that are marching toward a path of destruction for this country. A path that leads to a time when other countries will no longer care what we say or do. Look around... it is already happening.
Curious politics have been afoot in 2009. When would it ever be OK for an unknown Representative to scream "you lie!" during a Presidential address of congress? When would be OK for the leader's of China, India and Brazil to lie about leaving a climate change conference but instead be plotting to sabotage it?
I am sure that a few years before the collapse of the British Empire, there were those that proclaimed that the "sun would never set on the flag of Britain"... then, one day they woke up and it did.
My fellow Americans, wake up. When it is so extraordinarily difficult to get even the simplest most common sense things done in Congress (like health care)... or when the filibuster is used as commonplace, not the rare exception. Something is wrong... we are wrong and we need to change. We need to start believing again. Believing that we are all in this together. That our collective well-being is worth more that the Wall Street million dollar bonuses or the CEO salaries that are 100 times more then the average worker's in the same company. We need to believe that saving a few jobs here in America is worth more that a 2 cent stock dividend.
Wake up America... this great country is being torn asunder by the fear mongering hypocrites that exploit the uneducated. This is your country. Start asking why, and why and why again? Why can't we save the environment? Why can't we have job security? Why can't my children be guaranteed a college education? Why can't we make that product in America? Why can't we show the World that we are a force for what is good in the World?
This is your country.... what do you want it to represent. Think about it!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Lieberman in Need of a Swift Kick in the Marbles
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Oh No You Don't!
Not a single word from those morons!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
GOP Turning Point
Seeing the images of the piled up bodies from a death camp during WWII was disgusting.
Hearing the Republican leaders basically call for a revolt was truly unpatroitic.
And the pure "whiteness" of the attendees was telling in and of itself.
1 year from today, we will look back at this little rally and call it the day the GOP died as a national party. What this rally confirms is that the Republican party is no longer about governing, it is now about pure obstinense and fear mongoring. They are only interested in obstruction and stoking the worst type of anger for their petty political short-term gains. This is not patriotic and does not help America at all.
I know that many in the GOP and independents are thinking to themselves that they may not agree with everything the Dems do but they would like to have a say in shaping policy. They want their good ideas to be part of the country's agenda. Plus, it is also not like Obama isn't willing to compromise (as a Progressive, this often drives me nuts). Those that want to govern and have true conservative ideals are going to have their say, but I think it will be part of a third party or personality outside of the Republicans. The GOP will retreat further and further to ideological purity like a star colapsing on itself. As they continue to eat their young it will give room for this third party to grow.
This is more common then people relize. There were the Whigs, there was also Henry Byrd, George Wallace, John Anderson and Ross Perot in more recent history. All these people were able to take advantage of weakness in one of the two major party's platform. People that realize that their views are not represented WILL find a way to be represented. So look to 2012 and a big win for Obama as the GOP and the "yet to be named" third party candidate split conservative votes.
BTW- winning a governorship has zero to do with a president's popularity or even the party of a majority of the state's population. I live in Kansas, we have a Democrat for a Governor. Enough said.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Health Care as a Poker Hand

Back in August, the right came out in force with their disruption of civil discourse at town hall meetings and Fox sponsored Tea Bagging events. At the time, people were concerned that team Obama had not come out hard enough on the specifics of health care and against its critics.
Looking back now you can see how smart it has been to keep their hand hidden close to their chest and work the system mostly behind the scenes. A basic rule of Poker is not to reveal your hand too early otherwise you could be drawn into a big pot that you never had a chance of winning. The right went crazy early in the process, showing its hand too soon and slowly, patiently they have been picked apart by the progressive left and, even more importantly, by the impartial fact checkers like
The truth about health care is that it is big, really BIG. And it is complicated, really COMPLICATED. There are no easy sound bite slogans that appeal to everyone. So our normal 30-second attention span satiated by cable news just does work with the health care issue. It takes time to understand. The understanding comes from more involved research and more involved discussions. Discussions that are taking place on NPR, in magazines and newspapers and sometime in civil town hall meetings.
Where we are now is a more enlightened place in the debate. We now get that the system is unfair, we now get that anyone of of us could be denied coverage at any time, we now get that we could lose our home - saving and go bankrupt with a single illness even if we have coverage now. We also understand, that some other countries have better systems (even if many of us will not admit it). We totally get that competition, not monopolies, keep prices low and innovation high... that is why a public option is so popular right now.
So after the Right's screaming temper tantrum of lies in August

Saturday, September 12, 2009
9-12 Rally - What Hypocrites

1) It totally exploits 9-11. This weekends should be a time to celebrate America's goodness and show the terrorist that we are not weak even in the face of horrible attacks. The use of 9-11 to market extreme partisan viewpoints is disgusting.

2) Judging from the signs being held by the protesters, this is more about attacking a black president. Obama as Hitler, Joker, etc. I would say there are way more signs that have nothing to do with "being fiscally conservative". At first I did not see these protests as racists but judging from the succession, "take OUR country back", and "buy a gun before its too late" talk. I am seeing this more about a black man being president than anything else. I mean, really, what has changed? The GOP were folks that started an unjustified war and gave huge tax breaks to wealthy that caused this financial mess we are trying to get out of. So where were the "fiscal conservative" protesters then? BTW - I Looked at every single picture of these protests this morning on FOX, CNN, CBS, ABC and MSNBC and could not find a single non-white person in a picture.

3) As stated above... the Republicans presided over the spending orgy that got us into this mess. So why are these protesters upset at the guy that is trying to drag us out of the mess the GOP created? Attacking health care for everyone? Attacking saving the auto industry? Attacking saving the banking system? So what would their alternative be??? DEPRESSION! Give me a break. This has very little to do with being "fiscally conservative".

4) It is amazing how people can follow a nut job like Glen Beck who said the victim families of 9-11 should "just shut up". And, the day after the anniversary of 9-11. SICK, SICK, SICK.
5) The groups sponsoring this rally are funding by corporate interests. Dick Army is a major lobbyist now and it is his group "Freedom Works" that is coordinating this. This group is all about the status quo. Meaning, keep the rich, rich... at the expense of the ever shrinking middle class.

6) Fox News is supporting it. They are the marketing arm of this rally. Enough said.

7) Lastly, many people and at least one group sponsoring the rally are calling for states to secede from the Union. Secession has another name. It called TREASON. It means you no longer believe in America. If you are that far off your rocker to call for civil war, then there is no hope for you. If you don't like your country, then Mexico or Canada are just a short drive away... so leave!

Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saddest Day in America
I just read about the investigation into the Bush-era interrogation methods.
In an age of being desensitized to everything, I actually teared up at the loss of our country's values.
I understand the need to protect our country, but to do the horrible things they did means we sold our country's soul to the Devil.
At some point you have to ask what values are you protecting?
It is just about as bad as you hoped it wasn't... the terrorist won on Sept 11 and they won again when we sold our souls to combat them.
Friday, August 14, 2009
This is Why I Like Obama
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Truth About Health Care Reform
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Great Quote - GOP are Political Terrorists
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Obama Loves to Watch Hockey
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Single Issue on Health Care
He is getting this all wrong. It is not "one single issue", it is THE single issue.
If there is no public option then what will be the incentive for the private sector to lower costs? You can do a hundred things to lower costs but if you really want these bloated insurance companies to suck it up and compete for real. Then they need to have a giant government plan out there as the benchmark. As their competition.
I would tell my insurance to take a hike in a second if there was a good public plan to choose from. Just like I told my cable TV company to take hike when I got a dish. Now, the cable company has innovated and offers a ton more cool products and why? Because of meaningful competition.
The real deal on why it must be public. People are trapped in jobs because they do not want to lose health care benefits. So rather then go off and start a new company, be a consultant and infuse innovation in our economy; they don't. And we all lose. If there was health care for everyone, no matter what. We all win.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Dumb F@ckers in GOP
Friday, May 22, 2009
Why the Military Really Likes Obama
If you fail to hold a high bar on torture then there is absolutely no reason for others to do the same. Further, you have no moral ground to stand on when others do torture your soldiers. Perhaps if Cheney fought in the military instead of receiving deferments he would have a better appreciation for this.
It is pretty simple. People who fight in the military are patriotic by definition. They know that torture is not patriotic.
If the GOP, with Cheney as their new leader, wants to be the Torture Party then so be it. It is a marginal position and mirrors what is happening to Republican Party. The country seems to be moving in one direction while the GOP is re-trenching in old positions that losses them elections.
Funny thing is, they can't seem to help themselves. It is like their fist is repeatedly punching them in their own face and they can't seem to stop it.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Death of the GOP
The one misconception I keep reading about is that the current state of the GOP is much like the weakness of the Democrats a few years ago.
There is a huge difference though. The GOP has always been characterized by a unified single message and voting pattern. Usually nearly unanimously. The Dems on the other hand, have never been seen this way. The entire political spectrum has been represented within the Democratic Party and we rarely agree on anything, but (and this is key)... we can compromise. The is making it clear that it can't.
The GOP has cancer, it is eating itself from the inside out. This is a gross thing to watch so certainly it is not attracting new converts. As the GOP platforms continues to narrow it is squeezing out its moderate members who are becoming independents and Democrats.
Plus, the demographics of the country are dramatically changing and the GOP has ZERO ideas to capture those votes. Immigration policy drives away new voters and judging from the homogeneous whiteness of GOP audiences it is pretty obvious that the party is shrinking with no sign of a turn around.
Waiting for the Dems to screw up will not work if a better party is there waiting for Dem deserters. I am positive that the Dems will screw up at some point, I am a Dem, trust me on this.
The next wave of "Regan-Democrats" be end up voting Libertarian. I predict a semi-viable Libertarian Party will be seen coming to life over the next few years. If the GOP does not find itself a popular actor to coalesce around, it will wither on the vine.
Remember the Whigs? 4 presidents but it was all over in 24 years... All I can say is American politics is going to be interesting to watch for the next 2 decades.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Michael Steele's 1st 100 Days
...Steele was elected Chair of the RNC on Friday, January 30, ten days after President Obama was sworn in. The 100 day mark will be on May 9. While it's 10 days early, I thought today would be a good time to reflect on the highlights of RNC Chair Michael Steele's first 100 days.
January 30 (Day 1): Michael Steele is elected RNC Chair.
February 4 (Day 6): Steele makes his first visit to New York's 20th Congressional district to help Republican nominee Jim Tedisco in the upcoming special election. Steele subsequently boasts that a Tedisco victory would be a "credible repudiation" of President Obama and the Democratic Congress. The race is thought to be an easy pick-up for Republicans given that the GOP enjoys a 70,000+ voter advantage over Democrats in the district.
February 9 (Day 11): Steele refers to President Obama's economic stimulus bill disparagingly as "bling bling." The ensuing laughter is at Steele rather than with Steele.
February 19 (Day 21): The Washington Times runs an interview with Steele in which Steele commits to an "off the hook" PR effort aimed at younger voters by applying conservative principles to "urban-suburban hip-hop settings." The laughter at Steele continues.
February 23 (Day 25): Steele makes clear that he is open to withholding RNC funds from the re-election campaigns of the three Republican Senators who voted in support of President Obama's economic stimulus bill, perhaps making them feel no longer welcome in the Republican Party.
February 25 (Day 27): Steele sends "slum love" to Republican Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.
March 1 (Day 31): Steele belittles conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh as "ugly," "incendiary," and just "an entertainer."
March 2 (Day 32): Steele promptly apologizes to Limbaugh for his comments, illustrating who truly runs the Republican Party.
March 10 (Day 40): Rumors emerge that Steele may face a no-confidence vote before the Republican National Committee.
March 25 (Day 55): In an interview with CNN, Steele insists that "there is a rationale, there's a logic behind" his mistakes and gaffes.
April 24 (Day 85): Republican Jim Tedisco concedes defeat in the NY-20 special election that Steele earlier boasted would be a "credible repudiation" of President Obama and the Democratic Congress.
April 28 (Day 89): Senator Arlen Specter announces that he will defect from the Republican Party and join the Democratic Party.
May 9 (Day 100): ???
In less than 100 days, Steele led the GOP to defeat in what should have been an easy pick-up in a House special election, lost a Senator to a Party switch, became the subject of no-confidence vote rumors, embarrassed himself over and over again, and convinced America that Rush Limbaugh controls the Republican Party. I'll give Steele considerable credit - one must keep extremely busy to fit that many "strategic" gaffes into less than 100 days...
Monday, April 27, 2009
#1 DB of the Day - Fox News
Check out this doctored up, totally out of context clip, from an Obama town hall.
Watch what he REALLY says, then how Fox News clips it for so called reporting.
UPDATE: Fox also just rejected showing the Obama prime time news conference. So it is official, they really are not into the "news" thing. I really could care less.
Friday, April 24, 2009
U.S. Hanged Japanese Soldiers for Waterboarding American POWs

You may think this is some left wing dribble but this comes straight from John McCain's mouth:
And verified by PolitiFact here:
It is torture and those who thought up the scheme should be held to account.
This is not American!
Daily D & D
1. Norm Coleman: For extending the court battle for his losing cause in Minnesota until at least June.
2. 50+% of the Texas GOP who say they should secede from the U.S.A. That is just about as unpatriotic as it gets, in fact, it is treason as far as I am concerned.
3. GOP who wanted investigations of Clinton after his presidency but now want to let bygones by bygones on this Bush torture stuff.
Today's DGs
1. Jim Tedisco: Does the honorable thing and concedes in a close election. This guy may now get a second chance unlike a certain Norm we know.
2. Obama: Taking the middle man out of student loans. Just wish that option allowed for me to refinance my loans now.
3. Congress: For ensuring that health care reform can proceed without an automatic filibuster from the GOP... this is a big deal.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Daily Douchebags & Do-Gooders
1. Romney: Says Obama has "failed" foreign policy test. What planet are you on?
2. Wiretapping / Spying: This stuff is getting out of hand, terrible.
3. Jane Harmon: Just answer the question lady! Did you influence peddle or not. Her answers on NPR were not impressive.
Today's DGs
1. Hillary: Questions Cheney's credibility... stating the obvious.
2. Geithner: U.S. bears substantial blame for global economic mess. Listen people, we are not perfect and need to own up to our mistakes. How else do you learn?
3. The Earth: It is Earth Day after all... finally CO2 to be regulated and more good stuff for the tiny planet we cling to.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Obama Gifts Continue to Stink

All I can say is they are getting better but not by much.
I like Obama's policies but I would not want to get his name at the holiday gift exchange.
First the DVDs for Gordon Brown, ummm.
Then the iPod to the Queen, yikes.
Now he does a bit better by giving a picture and book to King Abdullah but wouldn't you know that the King gives him something great. Daggers, an ax and knife weaponery set. That is too cool.
Keep trying Obama! Or just hire someone better to help with the whole gift thing.
Daily Douchebags & Do-Gooders
Today's Douchebags:
Dick Cheney - Torture good, Obama weak & I am a Dick (literally)
Joe Lieberman - Releasing the memos helps enemies... yes, the truth hurts and you need to be out of the Senate
Norm Coleman - This guy does not know the meaning of "graceful exit". Yikes! At least another 100+ days of court fighting. The writing is on the wall but Norm can't read.
Today's Do-Gooders:
Neil Barofsky - The Bailout Inspector General goes to work and starts 20 investigations to ensure the money is being spent correctly. More accountability and sight into this stuff is good.
El Tinklenberg - Guy get a ton of cash to beat the psycho Michelle Bachmann (you Minnesotans are so funny) but can't spend it fast enough so transfers $250,000 to the DCCC. Full discloser, I sent El some cash.
Obama - For making National Service cool again.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Real Obama Chavaz Exchange - It Never Hurts to Talk
Check this link out for a good video.
Despite what the moron GOPers are saying, it does not make you weaker by talking. It puts you in command of the situation. It is an even more compelling thing to do when your President is so darn good at it!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
New Conservatism in America
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
AstroTurf = Fake Grassroots Movement

Well... I have been a bit busy lately and have not been paying full attention to the right wing shenanigans but WOW, this Fox News Teabag thing is really something to watch.
A classic "if you can't beat 'em, buy 'em" move. What I mean is, the right wing of America has been beaten badly. Their leadership is just terrible and the only real message of consistency out there is to say "no" to anything the Dems and Obama try to do.
So they have proceeded to "buy" a grassroots movement. A bunch of right wing nut bag lobbyists, in partnership with Fox News have manufactured this tea bag thing.
This is unfortunate for a few reasons:
- It will charge up all those people who are one click away from total crazy and they may pull the trigger after this.
- It will further move "real" conservatism to the galactic fringe of political discussion... I say this is bad because I never have minded a good debate between liberal and real conservative issues. Those debates have always been based on solid ideals and values, unlike this stuff that Fox News is doing which is just nut-ball crazy.
- And lastly, speaking of "nut-ball"... do these idiots know what tea bagging is slang for? Google it, darn that is gross!
So good luck to these crack ups. I am predicting now that there will be a big time third party candidate for President in 2012 to try to represent real conservative values. Obama will win re-election in a massive landslide and all this noise will backfire.
I truly wish there were some real convervative leaders out there that could get some traction and work in cooperation with the Team Obama. He has repeately reached out only to be slapped. Too bad, because most of us are reasonable moderates and we like a little compromise. The GOP no longer seems to be interested in representing the middle at all so down, down they go.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The GOP Wears Black Hats

What is the GOP offering you? The latest great new ideas from the mighty Republican party are pretty sad. How about this one? The government should freeze spending.
Yes, there is a good one. While the entire private sector screeches to a halt, let's take the last best chance for restarting economic activity and just "turn it off"? Only a complete idiot would suggest such a thing right now. You have to be 100% blind to what is going on around you.
Or how about this one? Let's not take stimulus money to extend unemployment benefits. WOW! Now that is a great idea there. What ever happened to compassionate conservatism? It sound more like, "lost your job, eh? Screw you conservatism".
I believe that when times get tough the "real" face of the political parties emerge. When you are faced with big challenges, how will you respond? The GOP is responding like walled-in rich people trying to protect their own interests by saying no to everything that could be good.
For those rich folks, I guess I can understand. What is sad though, is all the people that have been "feared" into following the same crap. These people, who are often worse off then most, are lead by what they hear on late night conservative radio. They believe what Rush and Hannity say. What they do not realize is that that are being used. Used as a small puppet army to parrot what the rich people want. Used by touting issues like guns and abortion.
America needs universal health care.
America needs alternative energy.
America needs good high paying jobs.
America needs to reduce terrorism around the World.
But rather then focus on the BIG things, all we hear are the same old petty snipes from the GOP.
I live in Kansas and it is very frustrating to hear people parrot the GOP line. I actually had someone argue that all unions should be wiped out so we can complete with the Chinese. This was his great idea. I said, heaven forbid that we have high paying manufacturing jobs in the U S of A. In the America my grandpa grew up in, it was with a ton of pride that you worked hard at your job. Blue or white collar, and everyone shared in the prosperity. I do not recall him ever saying that we should try to make our workers equivalent to 3rd world workers.
So this is where we have come to. It is those that ask, "why not" versus those that say, "we can't". I am proud to be a Democrat. I no longer have the patience for small thinking, trite Republicans. I will work hard to ensure that my kids live in a cleaner, safer and more prosperous America and feel great in knowing that our side wears the white hats in this battle for our future.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Where is the Money Going?

The government has started to put the stimulus dollars to work. Track where they are going here:
Monday, February 16, 2009
Easy To Be For "No"

My parents always told me to be "for" something.
Just like the country song says.
It is easy to be against something, and that is the road the weak Republicans are taking. They also seem to be relishing in their new role as the Party of No.
Here is something to think about. Complex problems need complex solutions. The GOP has never believed in this. Their philosophy is based on simple black and white messaging. Tax cuts, government is bad, pro-life, anti-gay, etc... these all make for simple, easy to understand messages for the ill-informed.
What they lack is the hard work required to sort out complex issues like the financial crisis we are in now. Look at Bush's performance and the GOP controlled House and Senate for most of the last 8 years. Applying simple solutions to complex issues has lead to the greatest financial collapse since the Depression.
Now we have a President that will need to be better than most in order to get us out of their mess. It will be hard and mistakes will be made but after less than a month in office the reviews are positive. Obama reached across the partisan divide. Despite what the "all or nothing" GOP says, there are many Republican ideas in the stimulus bill. So do not be fooled by the GOP buzz being stirred on late night talk radio and the Fox News channel. This President is succeeding and is credible.
The only thing the GOP can do now is be the Party of No. They do not have the credibility to do anything else. Any argument they make other than "no" is going to be looked at as ridiculous. So we should not expect anything different. The GOP will only truly change once it is truly defeated. That day of reckoning for the Grand Old Party is coming. They think they have hit bottom but the truth is that the hole they are falling in is much deeper then they think. Their free fall to obscurity will continue and there is no Palin Parachute that is going to save them. They need to come to the table as honest brokers and allow for compromise. Unless they do that, they will be walking through the vast desert of irrelevance for decades to come.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Giving Just Enough Rope

Media reports have passed the judgment that this past week was pretty bad for the White House as the GOP leadership was able to stick to their talking points and pick apart the stimulus plan.
What came out was the true nature of the GOP. Putting politics ahead of working families and, especially, the middle class. In the end, the GOP will lose on the legislation, lose on public perception and lose on moral grounds.
They have had some strange plays through this process. To suggest that the New Deal did not actually save the country from ruin in the 1930s is treating the electorate like they are idiots. Or that government jobs are not "real". These are just plain dumb things to say.
No, no... I think that Obama gave the GOP just enough rope to hang themselves. This may not have been intentional but it worked.
The GOP has an obvious and severe crisis in leadership. They will now be the party of "do nothing" and that label can really stick if Obama wants it to. The GOP has forgot an important lesson, that no voice is ever louder than the bully pulpit of the President.
The Republicans may be able to stick together, but for what? The ruining of our economy? If today's serious challenges can not muster their support, then really nothing outside of war probally can.
The Republican brand is dirt and they are only adding filth to it.
Monday, February 9, 2009
GOP Just Doesn't Get It
Watch out Pat Roberts, Lindsey Graham, etc... those solid red starts are showing a bit of purple.
The economy will be fixed and it will be because of the Democrats and those smart Republicans that contributed.
The rest can keep obstructing their way right out of power.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Here's An Idea
Then they can explain to all the people losing their jobs in their state why they voted the way they did.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
GOP - Sticking To You!
Since my last post, over 5,000 people have lost their jobs in my city due to layoffs. Many at my company.
Who are the Republicans representing? Here in Kansas, a solidly red state, I am seeing the winds of change blow through and many people are starting to realize what the promises of big business really means. It means that heartless rich executives and bean counters can rip your lively hood out from under you without even batting an eye. Blue collar or white collar will mean nothing this time. The Republicans have done EVERYTHING in their power to rip away the social safety net for those seeking work, so now what?
The GOP perscription is more of the same. They promise more tax cuts for the rich. Are you kidding me? If you are one of those Republicans, waiting in the unemployment line for the first time, you are in for a real treat when your turn comes up.
The money you get, if any is left in your state, will not even cover your mortgage. When your savings drys up and you have to sell your house, it will be at a loss. There are no jobs left, so thank you for voting for the GOP all these years. You did this to yourself.
Remember their answer, more tax cuts for the rich and none for you because, after all you are now poor and if you do not pay taxes, you get nothing.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Republicans Living In Alternate Universe
They are thinking small when we require dramatic, big (and, yes, complicated) solutions.
Obama continues to hold out the fig leaf. I think that leaf will disappear very soon if they do not re-think their lost strategy.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Cowardly Republicans

I know that Obama is trying to be bipartisan but the Republicans betrayal of America in favor of pure partisanship is absolutely disgusting.
If Republicans want to see themselves isolated for the next eight years, they are off to a great start.
And how weak... to be so spineless in voting against the economic stimulus package. It is so easy to sit back if everything does not go perfectly and criticize.
What is worse is that Democrats did alter the proposal based on Republican feedback (sod on the mall, no contraceptives , etc.) plus they get unprecedented face time with the new President.
Republicans are squandering a huge opportunity. Shame on them.
My hope is that voters remember that during a time of great crisis, these Republicans took the low road of shallow political consideration versus grabbing the hand of bipartisanship extended to them.
Who do these people represent anyway? It certainly is not the workers of America. I think I know the answer. It is themselves. All for a future chance to say "I told you so." How cowardly.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Children With Asthma Thank Obama

As the torrid pace of change continues, it is now reported that Monday Obama will allow states to set emission standards.
In the stroke of his pen, Obama will help all people with respiratory issues by reducing the particulate that is in the air through the stretching of MPG standards.
My kids thank you Mr. President.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Are You Lucky?
Not really too amazing that after three days of Obama being President of the United States of America they are predicting the end of the World. This is to be expected.
But there was an interesting fact that one of the female conservative hate talkers was touting that caught my attention. She said that the amazing landing of the US Airways jet into the Hudson River trumped everything else for ratings on TV. The point was to diminish the hype around the pre-inauguration prep.
This got me thinking about that pilot. His history and how he was able to do what he did. I asked myself, "Was he just lucky?"
I have been accused of being lucky in the past and I always answer the same way. I say, "You put yourself in a position to be lucky. It is never pure luck."
It turns out that for Captain "Sully" this is a real truth as well. This guy's entire life seems to be leading up to this moment where he so incredibly lands that plane in the water. He was not your average pilot. He was a safety expert, studied the stuff, served as an investigator of crashes and trained others on safety.
Basically, if you had to pick a pilot to guide you through this crash landing, this was your guy.
And here is my point. We are not going to get through this economic mess, the foreign policy disaster that was left by Bush and the terrible distrust of government that the Republicans have created by being lucky.
We need someone who is smart enough, honest enough and tough enough to confront the issues we face head on. Our President is that man. The perfect person at the perfect time. Someone that tells us to quit acting like children (like the conservation talk show hosts on late night radio), someone that is tough (like telling the Republican leaders that "he won") and someone that is open and honest (a la, regular YouTube videos telling us what is going on and
So to all those people that are trying to drive their dying talk show ratings by saying ever more ridiculous and sensational things... suck it up and try to act like a grownup. We have real issues and all your venom is not helping anything.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The People's Government
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Hopes and Aspirations

Upon these shoulders we lay the weight of our hopes and aspirations.
We have faith in the future and for want has gone from a most important change of direction to a critical juncture in history.
With this one we leave our fate and will our dreams. But what we think is our saviour is not.
It is really ourselves that must take this task. It is truly not about one man taking the reigns but really about millions of people spurred to action to re-take the American dream for ourselves, our neighbors and our children.
Drive hard into the future, we now have an example to follow.
God Bless America, Give Our President Wisdom and Peace to All.