Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daily Douchebags & Do-Gooders

Today's DBs

1. Romney: Says Obama has "failed" foreign policy test. What planet are you on?
2. Wiretapping / Spying: This stuff is getting out of hand, terrible.
3. Jane Harmon: Just answer the question lady! Did you influence peddle or not. Her answers on NPR were not impressive.

Today's DGs

1. Hillary: Questions Cheney's credibility... stating the obvious.
2. Geithner: U.S. bears substantial blame for global economic mess. Listen people, we are not perfect and need to own up to our mistakes. How else do you learn?
3. The Earth: It is Earth Day after all... finally CO2 to be regulated and more good stuff for the tiny planet we cling to.

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