Thursday, April 30, 2009

The GOPasaur

I love the new GOP mascot, Thank you

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Michael Steele's 1st 100 Days

Since the Obama 100-day thing is way over done, I enjoyed reading this on

...Steele was elected Chair of the RNC on Friday, January 30, ten days after President Obama was sworn in. The 100 day mark will be on May 9. While it's 10 days early, I thought today would be a good time to reflect on the highlights of RNC Chair Michael Steele's first 100 days.

January 30 (Day 1): Michael Steele is elected RNC Chair.

February 4 (Day 6): Steele makes his first visit to New York's 20th Congressional district to help Republican nominee Jim Tedisco in the upcoming special election. Steele subsequently boasts that a Tedisco victory would be a "credible repudiation" of President Obama and the Democratic Congress. The race is thought to be an easy pick-up for Republicans given that the GOP enjoys a 70,000+ voter advantage over Democrats in the district.

February 9 (Day 11): Steele refers to President Obama's economic stimulus bill disparagingly as "bling bling." The ensuing laughter is at Steele rather than with Steele.

February 19 (Day 21): The Washington Times runs an interview with Steele in which Steele commits to an "off the hook" PR effort aimed at younger voters by applying conservative principles to "urban-suburban hip-hop settings." The laughter at Steele continues.

February 23 (Day 25): Steele makes clear that he is open to withholding RNC funds from the re-election campaigns of the three Republican Senators who voted in support of President Obama's economic stimulus bill, perhaps making them feel no longer welcome in the Republican Party.

February 25 (Day 27): Steele sends "slum love" to Republican Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

March 1 (Day 31): Steele belittles conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh as "ugly," "incendiary," and just "an entertainer."

March 2 (Day 32): Steele promptly apologizes to Limbaugh for his comments, illustrating who truly runs the Republican Party.

March 10 (Day 40): Rumors emerge that Steele may face a no-confidence vote before the Republican National Committee.

March 25 (Day 55): In an interview with CNN, Steele insists that "there is a rationale, there's a logic behind" his mistakes and gaffes.

April 24 (Day 85): Republican Jim Tedisco concedes defeat in the NY-20 special election that Steele earlier boasted would be a "credible repudiation" of President Obama and the Democratic Congress.

April 28 (Day 89): Senator Arlen Specter announces that he will defect from the Republican Party and join the Democratic Party.

May 9 (Day 100): ???

In less than 100 days, Steele led the GOP to defeat in what should have been an easy pick-up in a House special election, lost a Senator to a Party switch, became the subject of no-confidence vote rumors, embarrassed himself over and over again, and convinced America that Rush Limbaugh controls the Republican Party. I'll give Steele considerable credit - one must keep extremely busy to fit that many "strategic" gaffes into less than 100 days...

Monday, April 27, 2009

#1 DB of the Day - Fox News

This is just one reason Fox News is really not news at all. It is a pure propaganda machine for the right.

Check out this doctored up, totally out of context clip, from an Obama town hall.

Watch what he REALLY says, then how Fox News clips it for so called reporting.

UPDATE: Fox also just rejected showing the Obama prime time news conference. So it is official, they really are not into the "news" thing. I really could care less.

Friday, April 24, 2009

U.S. Hanged Japanese Soldiers for Waterboarding American POWs

You may think this is some left wing dribble but this comes straight from John McCain's mouth:

And verified by PolitiFact here:

It is torture and those who thought up the scheme should be held to account.

This is not American!

Daily D & D

Today's DBs

1. Norm Coleman: For extending the court battle for his losing cause in Minnesota until at least June.
2. 50+% of the Texas GOP who say they should secede from the U.S.A. That is just about as unpatriotic as it gets, in fact, it is treason as far as I am concerned.
3. GOP who wanted investigations of Clinton after his presidency but now want to let bygones by bygones on this Bush torture stuff.

Today's DGs

1. Jim Tedisco: Does the honorable thing and concedes in a close election. This guy may now get a second chance unlike a certain Norm we know.
2. Obama: Taking the middle man out of student loans. Just wish that option allowed for me to refinance my loans now.
3. Congress: For ensuring that health care reform can proceed without an automatic filibuster from the GOP... this is a big deal.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daily Douchebags & Do-Gooders

Today's DBs

1. Romney: Says Obama has "failed" foreign policy test. What planet are you on?
2. Wiretapping / Spying: This stuff is getting out of hand, terrible.
3. Jane Harmon: Just answer the question lady! Did you influence peddle or not. Her answers on NPR were not impressive.

Today's DGs

1. Hillary: Questions Cheney's credibility... stating the obvious.
2. Geithner: U.S. bears substantial blame for global economic mess. Listen people, we are not perfect and need to own up to our mistakes. How else do you learn?
3. The Earth: It is Earth Day after all... finally CO2 to be regulated and more good stuff for the tiny planet we cling to.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama Gifts Continue to Stink

All I can say is they are getting better but not by much.

I like Obama's policies but I would not want to get his name at the holiday gift exchange.

First the DVDs for Gordon Brown, ummm.

Then the iPod to the Queen, yikes.

Now he does a bit better by giving a picture and book to King Abdullah but wouldn't you know that the King gives him something great. Daggers, an ax and knife weaponery set. That is too cool.

Keep trying Obama! Or just hire someone better to help with the whole gift thing.

Daily Douchebags & Do-Gooders

New series... I can't keep up with the idiots so I will narrow it down to three a day:

Today's Douchebags:

Dick Cheney - Torture good, Obama weak & I am a Dick (literally)

Joe Lieberman - Releasing the memos helps enemies... yes, the truth hurts and you need to be out of the Senate

Norm Coleman - This guy does not know the meaning of "graceful exit". Yikes! At least another 100+ days of court fighting. The writing is on the wall but Norm can't read.

Today's Do-Gooders:

Neil Barofsky - The Bailout Inspector General goes to work and starts 20 investigations to ensure the money is being spent correctly. More accountability and sight into this stuff is good.

El Tinklenberg - Guy get a ton of cash to beat the psycho Michelle Bachmann (you Minnesotans are so funny) but can't spend it fast enough so transfers $250,000 to the DCCC. Full discloser, I sent El some cash.

Obama - For making National Service cool again.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Real Obama Chavaz Exchange - It Never Hurts to Talk

Check this link out for a good video.

Despite what the moron GOPers are saying, it does not make you weaker by talking. It puts you in command of the situation. It is an even more compelling thing to do when your President is so darn good at it!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Conservatism in America

You could spend your time and energy trying to be constructive... but hating is so much more fun!

Sample pictures from the Fox News Tea Bagging events.

Credit to for the pictures.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

AstroTurf = Fake Grassroots Movement

Well... I have been a bit busy lately and have not been paying full attention to the right wing shenanigans but WOW, this Fox News Teabag thing is really something to watch.

A classic "if you can't beat 'em, buy 'em" move. What I mean is, the right wing of America has been beaten badly. Their leadership is just terrible and the only real message of consistency out there is to say "no" to anything the Dems and Obama try to do.

So they have proceeded to "buy" a grassroots movement. A bunch of right wing nut bag lobbyists, in partnership with Fox News have manufactured this tea bag thing.

This is unfortunate for a few reasons:

- It will charge up all those people who are one click away from total crazy and they may pull the trigger after this.
- It will further move "real" conservatism to the galactic fringe of political discussion... I say this is bad because I never have minded a good debate between liberal and real conservative issues. Those debates have always been based on solid ideals and values, unlike this stuff that Fox News is doing which is just nut-ball crazy.
- And lastly, speaking of "nut-ball"... do these idiots know what tea bagging is slang for? Google it, darn that is gross!

So good luck to these crack ups. I am predicting now that there will be a big time third party candidate for President in 2012 to try to represent real conservative values. Obama will win re-election in a massive landslide and all this noise will backfire.

I truly wish there were some real convervative leaders out there that could get some traction and work in cooperation with the Team Obama. He has repeately reached out only to be slapped. Too bad, because most of us are reasonable moderates and we like a little compromise. The GOP no longer seems to be interested in representing the middle at all so down, down they go.