Monday, April 14, 2008

Clinton Helping the Republicans

If you are republican your best friend right now is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

She is doing the bidding of the Republican party with her Karl Rove tactics.

Even Ed Rendell realizes this, see his comments here: link

I have been saying for months that she is no longer really a Democrat. There are some things that are just "out of bounds" for one Democrat to do to another.

The latest is calling Obama "Elitist". This is just about the most ridiculous thing to say about a man who was raised by a single mother and his grandparents. Someone that struggled to get where he is and had no silver spoon in his mouth.


This may be her LAST HAIL MARY attempt. I am willing to bet that more Democrats will be turned off by her scorched Earth practices they otherwise.

Regardless, Obama proves he can handle attacks from the ENTIRE GOP and the MONSTER HILLARY machine. That is pretty good in my book.

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