As much as many folks feel that Hillary is a strong candidate it is time to think about winning. Dragging this contest out, contrary to what some think, will not help our party or the final nominee. It will cause deeper and more severe wounds as the battle is more and more divisive.
As an Obama supporter, I am going to attempt to refrain from pointing out Hillary's weaknesses and start talking about the issues we care about most... the economy, heath care, Iraq, etc. As long as Hillary hangs on with such a tiny chance of winning, we will be talking about snips and snipes; the Mark Penns, out of context quotes, Bills latest contradiction, and other general non-productive points.
To truly get to contrasting what John McCain has to offer with the promise of great things from Democrats, we need to consolidate our efforts.
I hope that Pennsylvanians will take the opportunity the vote for Obama so we can get on with the General and beat McCain in the Fall.
Here is some information you may not be aware of:
Voters should be aware that the Clinton’s are named defendants in a Civil Fraud Case connected to Campaign Finance irregularities and have not disclosed the appeal.
There will be a trial date set at a hearing on April 25th, just 3 days after the key Pennsylvania Primary for the Fraud Case Paul v. Clinton in the Los Angeles Superior Court. Plaintiff says he will call Gov Rendell as witness in the case.
From what I understand, this case began when prior to Sen. Clinton’s 2000 New York Senate campaign and also raised donations for Pres. Clinton’s Library. Plaintiff claims that the appeal was granted based on introduction of new videotaped evidence that contradicts Senator Clinton’s signed Declaration and previous testimony. The Department of Justice had been holding the tapes and they were just released them to him last year when the appeal was filed.
Allegedly, there was some cat and mouse played with process service. This resulted in an admonition by Judge Aurelio Munzo stating that he didn’t care if the Clinton’s (Pres & Senator Clinton and Chelsea) were served on the campaign trail. I am not sure if one of the other main defendants, James Levin, has been served yet, he was former business partner to Pres Clinton and former Library Board Member (removed since his Federal conviction of defrauding the Chicago Public Schools of money). Mr. Levin is on Federal Parole and Plaintiff alleges that he is reporting as required, but no assistance from Parole office was being provided to serve him to appear in California courts. As I type this is seems just ridiculous that we as voters have not heard a news stories about it since the appeal was granted. Bloggers however are discussing and following the case. Someone said the trial date was going to be set in November. That is one problem that results from the information being shared on blogs instead of investigated by the professional media. THE GOP knows about it for sure.
We don’t know the Clinton’s side of the story because they have not disclosed this. But Peter Paul tells his side of the story on Video. And yes, it is being viewed on the Internet. You can click on any of the hyperlinks below to view the videos or to get to the court documents.
Just Google: “Hillary Uncensored”
At first I could not believe it, so I found the website for the Court and did a search of their database. I still couldn’t believe it and called and spoke to the Clerk. It’s a real case!!!
Los Angeles Superior Court of Appeals: http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org
Then click on Civil Case Summaries and enter case number to see case history.
Case Number: BC304174
Los Angeles Superior Court Public Information Office (213) 974-5227.
As of about a week ago this Office got so many calls, that they have set up voicemail for callers to leave their name and number for a return call.
I also found an email form to contact the court via email:
You will need to use a credit card to pay for access to the court documents online. Or you can go to www.hillcap.org to see them online, this is a site managed by the Plaintiff.
The GOP has utilized the services of a 527 called “Citizen’s United” (www.citizensunited.org) to produce a 90 Minute Movie for the public to defeat Senator Clinton in the Fall if she wins the nomination. This group begins the film with her very first week in the White House and Travel Gate, then they begin with Pres. Clinton pardoning of 11 of 14 FALN Terrorist Members (responsible for bombing Frances Tavern in Manhattan in 1975 who had not even applied for pardons) prior to her Senate victory, and Sen. Clinton winning overwhelmingly the Puerto Rican vote in New York.
Then they cover this current fraud case. They use the current case as one of many reasons she should not be President. The US Supreme Court recently (last week) ruled that the 527 must release its donor list before they begin showing if for a fee in theatres. They are of course appealing the decision.
This is the 90 Minute Movie that the Citizens United has created for the GOP to defeat Senator Clinton. Aside from the horrible war in Iraq, the economy, in contrast, Senator McCain seems to be an honorable and trustworthy man.
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_PEHskBuQg
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5_SfPvtY-s
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rog6WBL7jog
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqlYlTxnUdE
5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9hXf5yckbY
6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKftVPA85jI
7) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCQOgTKtNhA
8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRHPrjf4h6g
9) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm-5MrOrqPE
Amen! I really wish it would end after PA, or after NC at the latest. I still think we will be OK so long as it is resolved no later than mid-June. And I think it will be. By the 4th of July Obama will be campaigning against McCain. After he names Kathleen Sebelius as his VP Candidate, 90% of the former Clinton fans will be behind him as they will see the chance of a female President (in 8 years) increase. And Obama will surge in the polls and be the first President elected not by baby boomers, but by GenX and Gen Y voters.
I hope you don't mind, James, but I posted the URL for this commentary on one of the CNN blogs. Your concern for America & those who live in our country comes across clearly and genuinely.
I origiinally came across a plagiarized version of your commentary that had been altered by a Clinton supporter, switching out Obama's name with Clinton's & vice-versa, and changing a few small details to support her preference. This was posted on one of the CNN blogs under the name Julie. She included the URL to your site which led me here. I have since thanked her for her unwitting assistance.
Please coontinue to post as I will be interested to read your commentary on a regular basis.
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