Monday, September 29, 2008
We Just Lost $1 TRILLION
Everyone, look at your 401K and go vote for McCain if you like those numbers!
Guess you can work a few more years before retiring... THANKS McCAIN!
McCain's Second Failed Leadership Test
The first test, selecting a Vice Presidential candidate, has been shown to be a rash decision. With little vetting or real knowledge of who Palin was or her real leadership abilities he selected her on a whim at worst or to energize the conservative base at best. It was a hail Mary that ended with the ball being thrown out of the end zone.
Now, McCain says "politics be damned" and rushes to insert himself into the bailout negotiation where his presence promptly scuttles the first deal. Then, after Congressional and White House leaders pick up the pieces and carve out a new bill... McCain says had helped with securing wayward Republicans and guess what? His efforts were all a farce. The Republicans fail to vote yes even after his pleading. Embarrasssing to say the least.
Now McCain blames Obama??? Curious for a guy that said that he would "take the hit" on this.
McCain is erratic. He acts in a rash manner on important issues.
We need steady leadership through these tough economic times. That is what Obama will give us.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Palin Believes that Humans and Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth at the Same Time

I was shocked to hear this but it is true.
As a Creationist, Palin believes that the Earth is much younger than ALL science has proven is much much older.
Take a look at this article... this woman is super-scary!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Palin Acting Weak
On Wednesday, the commission unanimously rejected a proposal sought by advisers to Ms. Palin and Senator John McCain of Arizona, the Republican presidential nominee, to have the moderator ask questions and the candidates answer, with no time for unfettered exchanges. Advisers to Mr. Biden say they were comfortable with either format.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Palin Lies Are Piling Up
You can't just blatantly lie about IMPORTANT things and expect everyone to just laugh it off.
Detailed proof is now emerging that after Palin said she was against earmarks that she did in fact hire a high priced lobbyist to secure MILLIONS of dollars for the tiny town she was mayor of. This is a pattern that the media is just now starting to report. Like that she is for special needs kids but cut the Special Olympics budget in half... or the jet story that was not wholly true, or the bridge to nowhere that she was for but the against or Ted Stevens who she ran a PAC for and on and on...
The media really does need to do its job and report more aggressively on this.
If this were Obama you can bet they would be racking him over the coals. Come on, take off the gloves and start calling this was it is... just plain LIES!
I remember my Dad saying, "Moral character is defined by what you do when no one is looking." Palin may have thought no one was looking way up there in Alaska but it turns out a rotten liar is coming into view.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Strange... 28 Years In Washington Helping Big Business, Now You Are Against It?
The media is finally catching up to John McCain flips and flops; lies and distortions.
And we are NOT talking Keith Olbermann here... this is the AP (pretty unbiased). Here are some quotes from a story out today:

“John McCain embraces and expels Washington like an accordion player belting out a song. Squeeze in and he touts his vast knowledge of the capital city. Draw out and he casts himself a reformer bent on changing its ways.”
“This time around, though, McCain is projecting a dual image: the outside insider. A 25-year veteran of the House and Senate, a white man like all the rest of the country’s presidents to date, McCain is trying to fend off a 44-year-old, first-term senator angling to become the first black to reach the Oval Office.”
“Squeeze in, and he’s the new capital tour guide for his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. ‘I can’t wait to introduce her to Washington, D.C. I can’t wait,’ he said to cheers Monday in Jacksonville. Draw out, and he’s never set foot in the city himself. ‘The word’s going out, my friends: The old-boy network, the pork-barrelers, the earmarkers, my friends, the word is, ‘Change is coming,’ McCain said. ‘There’s two mavericks coming to Washington, and we’re going to shake it up.’”
“Squeeze in, and he’s got the Washington skill set needed to right the country’s Wall Street woes….Draw out, and he distances himself from the administration of the Republican president who has endorsed him.”
Read the whole story: link
One last thought... who the heck calls Wall Street business people "fat cats". I feel like I am watching one of those really old cartoons you can get for a $1 on DVD. I mean, "fat cats"??? What century is this? Maybe McCain has one of those 1920's ticker tape machines in his office too.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
What Are They Saying About You?
What do you think the campaign chiefs in camp McCain / Palin are saying about you?
With a series of ads and statements that every independent fact checker is calling out as lies, the McCain campaign has said they really do not care if it is true.
Palin is still repeating the bridge to nowhere lie... that she put an end to it, while leaving out that she was for it before she was against it and that she still KEPT the money.
McCain was called out for the blatant lies in his recent ads by, of all shows, the women of the View. His standard response... "Campaigns are tough" was a nauseating wringing of the hands. For a guy supposedly all about straight talk, he is no more.
McCain is like a great American company that used to make wonderful stuff that lasted forever. Then, to save a few bucks, it outsourced its manufacturing and slapped its strong brand name on the new pieces of crap product made in China.
That is McCain... a piece of crap with bright shiny packaging.
So what are they saying about you? They are saying that you ARE stupid. That you will not notice. That you are easily manipulated, like cows herded for slaughter. That a few smiles and wise cracks coupled with a few gimmicks will fool you.
Will you be fooled? Are you stupid enough to take the bait.
The Republicans, in charge for the past four years, sure hope you are. That way they can keep raping the country and sending our sons and daughters to die in foreign countries. Perhaps the next one will be Russia. Palin sure seemed FLIP about the idea of going to war with Russia.
If we act stupid and vote the same morons in again, we will loss more then ever. We will loss our position as dominate World power. We are close to an economic collapse... you can't keep bailing companies out with paper money printed on a China promise to buy more. You can't keep sending jobs to China and other 3rd World countries and hope that the middle class will keep spending at Walmart.
If you asked any British citizen if they thought the sun would ever set on their flag in the 1800's they would have said you are crazy. Yet, they are no longer a super power. If that is what you want for America, then vote McCain.
If, on the other hand, you think that America can rise up again. To its greatest stature. That we can achieve the impossible. Then vote for Obama. We can have the things that Republicans have said we can't. Health care that does not bankrupt, jobs that pay well and last and the strongest military that is respected around the globe. Vote Obama... vote for the future... he thinks you are smart, don't let him down.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Don't Vote for a Liar
It is time to elect a leader that will tell us the truth.
Here is an independent list of who is telling the truth: link
McCain is the true flip flopper liar extreme and every single time he is called on it says the same old line, "Campaigns are tough". Like that will cover his lies up.
Palin, it appears, is really stretching the truth. The bridge, troopergate... and shows that she has ZERO foreign policy chops. Did anyone else's heart stop when she was so FLIP about going to war with Russia? Like it would be no big deal.
Palin is very weak and if elected.... that would be scary indeed.
She may be glad her boy is off to Iraq, but there is no way in HELL that I am letting another Republican administration send ANY of my four kids off to die in a foolish war!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Palin A Liar
She was for the "bridge to nowhere", no she says she is against it.
She says she is against the good ' ol boy network but ran 527s for them.
The list goes on and on.
Again, embarrassing to be a Republican.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Palin Kills Santa's Reindeer
Weakest Convention Ever
Lot's of POW talk and electronic American flags. Speeches with very weak applause.
The Lieberman speech was tired and boring. What a total sellout traitor.
Lieberman asks us to vote for the best candidate to bring change to Washington... Joe, WE WILL... it is not McCain, it is Obama!
The crowd is looking around like they can't wait to leave.
There are so few people clapping, that you can hear this one idiot yelling at the top of his lungs over and over.
Sad, sad, sad... more of the same, I would be embarrassed to be a Republican.
Palin NO Reformer
The city received over $27 MILLION of pork projects. This for a tiny town of 6,700. That does not seems like a reformer but more of the exact same. She says she is taking on the "good ' ol boy" network but she is really their less experienced sister.
Monday, September 1, 2008
"Family Values" No Longer Republican
You can not go around saying that your the party of family values then say it is off limits when your candidates both display the opposite behavior.
We already know that McCain cheated on and left his loyal first wife after her horrible car accident. He is a total schmuck!
And in the last 48 hours we learn that the unknown governor of remote Alaska is under investigation for trying to fire a state trooper because of a divorce with her sister, that she just had a special needs baby but has outsourced the child care so she can run for office and now her 17-year old daughter is pregnant... out of wed-lock. YIKES!
This has nothing to do with her being a woman, it has to do with her being a responsible parent. If she were a man... a husband... I would say, "GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER".
I have 4 kids and 2 are special needs. I can guarantee you that I would not be out running for Vice President full time if one was just born. That is like deserting your wife and your family for pure self interest.
Jesus did not teach us to be self serving... he taught us to be self sacrificing. McCain and Palin both have shown through their lives that they are eager to put their personal needs ahead of their family.
There is no "FAMILY VALUE" in that.