Sunday, September 14, 2008

What Are They Saying About You?

While Obama is saying that he has faith that the American voter is smart enough to know the difference between his positive campaign for change and the McCain / Palin campaign of lost hope.

What do you think the campaign chiefs in camp McCain / Palin are saying about you?

With a series of ads and statements that every independent fact checker is calling out as lies, the McCain campaign has said they really do not care if it is true.

Palin is still repeating the bridge to nowhere lie... that she put an end to it, while leaving out that she was for it before she was against it and that she still KEPT the money.

McCain was called out for the blatant lies in his recent ads by, of all shows, the women of the View. His standard response... "Campaigns are tough" was a nauseating wringing of the hands. For a guy supposedly all about straight talk, he is no more.

McCain is like a great American company that used to make wonderful stuff that lasted forever. Then, to save a few bucks, it outsourced its manufacturing and slapped its strong brand name on the new pieces of crap product made in China.

That is McCain... a piece of crap with bright shiny packaging.

So what are they saying about you? They are saying that you ARE stupid. That you will not notice. That you are easily manipulated, like cows herded for slaughter. That a few smiles and wise cracks coupled with a few gimmicks will fool you.

Will you be fooled? Are you stupid enough to take the bait.

The Republicans, in charge for the past four years, sure hope you are. That way they can keep raping the country and sending our sons and daughters to die in foreign countries. Perhaps the next one will be Russia. Palin sure seemed FLIP about the idea of going to war with Russia.

If we act stupid and vote the same morons in again, we will loss more then ever. We will loss our position as dominate World power. We are close to an economic collapse... you can't keep bailing companies out with paper money printed on a China promise to buy more. You can't keep sending jobs to China and other 3rd World countries and hope that the middle class will keep spending at Walmart.

If you asked any British citizen if they thought the sun would ever set on their flag in the 1800's they would have said you are crazy. Yet, they are no longer a super power. If that is what you want for America, then vote McCain.

If, on the other hand, you think that America can rise up again. To its greatest stature. That we can achieve the impossible. Then vote for Obama. We can have the things that Republicans have said we can't. Health care that does not bankrupt, jobs that pay well and last and the strongest military that is respected around the globe. Vote Obama... vote for the future... he thinks you are smart, don't let him down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice rally cry...I hope it motivates some voters to look closely at the candidates. Keep an eye on SNL as they continue to use humor to help us THINK...and act at the voting booth.