Friday, September 12, 2008

Don't Vote for a Liar

We really have had enough politicians lying to us over the last 8 years.

It is time to elect a leader that will tell us the truth.

Here is an independent list of who is telling the truth: link

McCain is the true flip flopper liar extreme and every single time he is called on it says the same old line, "Campaigns are tough". Like that will cover his lies up.

Palin, it appears, is really stretching the truth. The bridge, troopergate... and shows that she has ZERO foreign policy chops. Did anyone else's heart stop when she was so FLIP about going to war with Russia? Like it would be no big deal.

Palin is very weak and if elected.... that would be scary indeed.

She may be glad her boy is off to Iraq, but there is no way in HELL that I am letting another Republican administration send ANY of my four kids off to die in a foolish war!

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