Friday, April 11, 2008

Small Town America Has A Right To Be VERY Bitter

*** UPDATE *** Barack takes Clinton & McCain to Task! (video)

Take a drive through small town Kansas and see half the main street downtown shops boarded up and vacant. Tell me that those folks are not a bit upset about the gutting of their once thriving towns.

Anyone that sees this and wants to paint a rosy picture is blind to the facts. By the way, towns more than 1 hour from a Walmart fair much better then those closer... hmmmm, anyone know a presidential candidate that was on Walmart's board for years? Anyone?

Being blind to the facts will not make small town America come back... I recently visited my Hometown of Constantine, MI and must say that it was a sad affair. The GM plant is gone and so are the high paying jobs. Beautiful old homes are in disrepair or split into low income poorly maintained apartments. The town has a drug problem and when stopping at the local gas station a member of the girls soccer team was buying cigarettes.

I am bitter about this... I bet more than a few Pennsylvanians are too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am from Pennsylvania....We are bitter.
NAFTA has moved jobs out all over PA. Even is this tiny valley town. Empty houses, empty store buildings,gas prices higher than a neighboring town 30 minutes away, (where Wal-mart is).
I am in the over 50 crowd, and I have watched our town roll up its streets..the only thing we are lacking is "tumbleweeds". I find it a damn shame , that someone who REALLY gets it is being slammed by the media and the other two presidential campaigns. My thought on that is...I guess Clinton and McCain dont get the middle class. If they did get what we have and will for some time go through, they both wouldnt have uttered a word.
Thank You Sen Obama for understanding us!
Thank You for taking the time to look past our smiles and friendly nature, to the real hardships that most of us face. You are a true learder,and with our help you will make the changes needed to improve the middle class.