Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin A Liar

She asked for earmarks for her little town, now she says she didn't.

She was for the "bridge to nowhere", no she says she is against it.

She says she is against the good ' ol boy network but ran 527s for them.

The list goes on and on.

Again, embarrassing to be a Republican.


Anonymous said...

How about focusing more on your candidates message and less on skewering his every opponent? He is not a savior and his opposition is not evil. Let's stick to the issues of governing this nation.

Anonymous said...

This is a petition just started to ask Congress and the President of the United States to request that Gov. Palin and the State of Alaska return the funds that are so obviously scorned by Sarah Palin.

Sure, we know it is just Republican BS, but make her (and John McCain) put her money where her mouth is or shut up.

I'm sure the American public can find somewhere to spend the $433,000,000.00 in funding that Alaska received because of that earmark.