Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cowardly Republicans

I know that Obama is trying to be bipartisan but the Republicans betrayal of America in favor of pure partisanship is absolutely disgusting.

If Republicans want to see themselves isolated for the next eight years, they are off to a great start.

And how weak... to be so spineless in voting against the economic stimulus package. It is so easy to sit back if everything does not go perfectly and criticize.

What is worse is that Democrats did alter the proposal based on Republican feedback (sod on the mall, no contraceptives , etc.) plus they get unprecedented face time with the new President.

Republicans are squandering a huge opportunity. Shame on them.

My hope is that voters remember that during a time of great crisis, these Republicans took the low road of shallow political consideration versus grabbing the hand of bipartisanship extended to them.

Who do these people represent anyway? It certainly is not the workers of America. I think I know the answer. It is themselves. All for a future chance to say "I told you so." How cowardly.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Children With Asthma Thank Obama

As the torrid pace of change continues, it is now reported that Monday Obama will allow states to set emission standards.

In the stroke of his pen, Obama will help all people with respiratory issues by reducing the particulate that is in the air through the stretching of MPG standards.

My kids thank you Mr. President.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Are You Lucky?

I listen to conservative radio at night. I do it to see what type of craziness is being spewed.

Not really too amazing that after three days of Obama being President of the United States of America they are predicting the end of the World. This is to be expected.

But there was an interesting fact that one of the female conservative hate talkers was touting that caught my attention. She said that the amazing landing of the US Airways jet into the Hudson River trumped everything else for ratings on TV. The point was to diminish the hype around the pre-inauguration prep.

This got me thinking about that pilot. His history and how he was able to do what he did. I asked myself, "Was he just lucky?"

I have been accused of being lucky in the past and I always answer the same way. I say, "You put yourself in a position to be lucky. It is never pure luck."

It turns out that for Captain "Sully" this is a real truth as well. This guy's entire life seems to be leading up to this moment where he so incredibly lands that plane in the water. He was not your average pilot. He was a safety expert, studied the stuff, served as an investigator of crashes and trained others on safety.

Basically, if you had to pick a pilot to guide you through this crash landing, this was your guy.

And here is my point. We are not going to get through this economic mess, the foreign policy disaster that was left by Bush and the terrible distrust of government that the Republicans have created by being lucky.

We need someone who is smart enough, honest enough and tough enough to confront the issues we face head on. Our President is that man. The perfect person at the perfect time. Someone that tells us to quit acting like children (like the conservation talk show hosts on late night radio), someone that is tough (like telling the Republican leaders that "he won") and someone that is open and honest (a la, regular YouTube videos telling us what is going on and

So to all those people that are trying to drive their dying talk show ratings by saying ever more ridiculous and sensational things... suck it up and try to act like a grownup. We have real issues and all your venom is not helping anything.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Nice Pen... Use It For Good

Fox News Goes Nuts

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The People's Government

With a deep sigh and grin, I watched the clip below and know that something great and good has happened. America is quickly returning to "we the people", I hope that we never forget the last eight years and the devastation that occurs when we loss sight of what makes America great.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hopes and Aspirations

Upon these shoulders we lay the weight of our hopes and aspirations.

We have faith in the future and for want has gone from a most important change of direction to a critical juncture in history.

With this one we leave our fate and will our dreams. But what we think is our saviour is not.

It is really ourselves that must take this task. It is truly not about one man taking the reigns but really about millions of people spurred to action to re-take the American dream for ourselves, our neighbors and our children.

Drive hard into the future, we now have an example to follow.

God Bless America, Give Our President Wisdom and Peace to All.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Official Obama Presidential Photo

First ever taken by a digital camera.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009