Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Media Caught With Pants Down

It was simply amazing to see the media jump on the Washington Post article today taking Obama completely out of context to make him seem presumptuous. This was a quote from a closed-door meeting with the House Democratic leadership (no reporters) yesterday.

I watched "Morning Joe" and it was certainly amazing to see all the commentary on this and how easily the media were, once again, lead by the nose ring to a story that was completely wrong. Only "Mika" pleaded for a bit of caution but the rest of the commentators keep on with the story as if the quote was fact.

Every major news outlet chased this story. Not one of them thought to actually double check the facts by asking someone who was at the closed-door meeting.

It turns out that the whole quote shows how humble Obama actually is:

It has become increasingly clear in my travel, the campaign, that the crowds, the enthusiasm, 200,000 people in Berlin, is not about me at all. It's about America. I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.

The Washington Post only used the last sentence. Obama deserves a huge apology from the Post and from all the sheep-like media organizations that did not do their homework.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What About Carol McCain?

Everyone talks about John McCain the war hero but what about John McCain the man that left his wife after she was in a terrible car accident. From what I read, his so called "admiration" for in first wife was only skin deep. Once she had 20+ operations and her appearance changed he started sleeping with other women. He was still married to Carol when he had an affair with Cindy. He filed for divorce soon later.

McCain is a cheater. His character is not representative of family values.

Why doesn't the media talk about this? I have not heard a peep.

They are drudging up Obama's college thesis but no one is asking how come a cheating, carousing liar has come to speak for the so called "values" voters the Republicans claim to represent.

This is why evangelical leaders' support for him is so appalling. This election is about more than one issue. It is about who has the moral compass to lead. Evangelicals should hold their leaders accountable for supporting such a man.

Being a war hero only gets you so far. When you have sex with a bunch of women while married that does not represent the values that I want to teach my children. When you leave your wife because she is not as "pretty" anymore for a rich rodeo queen (Cindy); that says a lot about your character.

Here in Kansas, it shows why Obama has been and is such a good husband. He was raised with strong Midwestern values. His mother and grandparents instilled it in him. Honor means more than fighting wars, it means standing up for your family when times are tough. Not deserting your wife when she has a terrible accident. That is not "right" in anyone's book. It is not the values that we hear about in church or read in the Holy Bible.

It is actually pretty sick, isn't it? I bet many people do not know this. I think if more people, especially here in Kansas, find out about this; they will think twice about voting for McCain for President.

More here: link

Monday, July 28, 2008

Daily Lie Tracking


- McCain says Obama would not visit troops without cameras. Andrea Mitchel, respected NBC journal and NO Obama supporter, said that was not true. She was there and that was not the case at all. Link

- What is worse? McCain is using the troops as a campaign wedge issue. That is totally sick! Obama sought to respect troops by NOT making them a political prop but look how LOW McCain is stooping... to use them in an ad with a complete false ad. Just appalling!


- Promised to balance budget, after inheriting a $180,000,000 surplus, now the deficit is 1/2 a TRILLION dollars. Hey kiddies, there is your Bush legacy and a huge lie. Link

- Just asking? What does McCain think about Bush's Justice Department practices? Allowing torture (we know McCain is for this), legalizing lying, partisan hiring practices, not enforcing civil rights laws, not protecting whistle blowers, etc, etc, etc...


- No lies, just a super high-powered meeting with TOP minds around the economy. A REAL plan to fix the economy not stupid gas tax and drilling gimmicks. Link

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lobbyists Love McCain

$181,000 given to McCain. He is keeping it.

$6,000 given to Obama that is to be returned.

Who do you want to own the government? YOU or the lobbyists?

Read more: Link

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Will The Real Leader Please Stand Up?

Who is the real leader?

- Obama has been saying since last year that 16 months, if conditions on the ground warrant, a phased withdrawal from Iraq can be done. McCain just agreed yesterday. The Iraqis agree too.

- Obama has been saying direct talks with our enemies i.e. Iran, will yield better results. Bush just agreed and sent top diplomats to meet with Iran. McCain still disagrees and thinks not talking is better.

- Obama says that improving relations between the US and Europe is key to success in Afghanistan. The World agrees. McCain does not give a crap about Europe.

- Obama has been saying that moving more troops to Afghanistan is key to the war against terrorist and that it is the central battle against them. McCain disagrees (actually said Iraq was the "first" major battle after 9/11. I think he forgot about Afghanistan... yikes). Just asking, where is Bin Laden?

- Obama said the surge is just one factor that has reduced violence in Iraq. McCain is making crap up about the surge and has messed up key time line around its implementation.

- Obama has been against the Iraq conflict from the start. McCain has been for it the whole time. McCain has said that he "aggressively" told the Bush administration that they were mismanaging the war but the only videos that exist (and there are tons of them) show McCain praising Bush and in lock-step with him. There are NO videos of him criticizing Bush before the campaign started.

- McCain has repeatedly criticized Obama for positions that he now is supporting. He even is criticizing Obama for taking his trip overseas when that is exactly what McCain did.

Here is what it comes to, and Obama said it best today... I paraphrase. There is a convergence on his ideas because reality is setting in. Obama has been right and others are caught trying to catch up so they do not look stupid. How long can McCain look stupid and still retain 40%+ of the votes from polling data?

McCain is an old man that can't remember facts and is now attacking Obama with irrational arguments. If he is doing this now, imagine how bad it will be in 2, 3 or 4 years if he is elected. When the mind starts to go, it is a slippery slop. Is this the type of President we want?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

America As Inspiration

There was a time, not too long ago, when countries looked to America for inspiration. They looked to America as a beacon of what could be "right" about humanity and the World.

The last seven years has seen that feeling all but disappear. Now, we have a chance to be that beacon again.

Later today, Obama will address a large crowd in Germany. A country that we defeated, rebuilt and saved from Communism. A place that signifies what America has done right in the World.

I want my children to be proud of the fact that what America represents, not only to its own citizens, but to the citizens of the entire World is freedom, opportunity and goodness.

Bush and those like him (McCain) have smashed America's position on these things. It is only with Obama that we can get it back.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

War Critic?

The Gaffes Keep Piling Up AND CBS Helps!

In a classic example of helping the old man out because his gaffes don't seem to count.

CBS NEWS edits out McCain's gaffe! What the F? We need to know if the guy is having trouble remembering and keeping the facts straight.


Here it is: link


Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm With Stupid

Ever see those shirts that say "I'm with Stupid"?

Well it is official, if you are supporting McCain then you either are just blindly following the party line or, and I hate to say it, you are stupid. The former I can kinda understand, the later is unacceptable.

The McCain ad today clinched it for me. Saying that Obama is the cause for gas prices rising while at the same time saying that off-shore will do anything to drop "gas" prices only appeals to people that are not informed and do not understand the issue.

Fact- McCain has been in Washington for 25+ years and Obama for under 5. So who should have done something about this prior to now?

Fact- Oil is a WORLD market, any oil produced by America is dumped on the World market.

Fact- The US production, even after opening all our fields for development, only is a drop in the bucket compared to the World market.

Fact- There is NO shortage of Gas. Do you see lines at the pump? It is speculators driving up prices... nothing else.

Fact- Adding oil to the mix does nothing to incentivize us to get off oil. I hate the price but we need to get off this oil merry-go-round. It is like giving an alcoholic an extra beer in hopes that will help them kick the habit.

Fact- We did the Gas tax holiday in Illinois a few years back... it did nothing to help the price. Trust me, but it kicked a giant hole in the Illinois state budget.

I will not be pandered to... especially by people that treat me like I am stupid.

If you support McCain then you are with Stupid!

McCain... you look weaker and weaker every day!


Something missed by the media is that most everywhere Obama goes people are smiling. No matter if it is meeting with supporters, talking to advisers, meeting World leaders or even taking an aerial tour of Baghdad; when Obama is around... people can not help but feel the optimism of this guy.

It is all about charisma. Some people have it and some do not.
Compare this with the forced laughs at bad McCain jokes or the stoic appearance of the participants in his town halls. Charisma is something all great leaders have (whether you agree with them or not on policy).

It is no small point, sometimes it is force of personality and pure charisma that gets people to put aside differences and come together.

Washington had it, Lincoln had it, Roosevelt (Teddy and Franklin) had it, Kennedy had it, Reagan had it and Clinton had it.

Obama has it and McCain does not.

Iraqi Government Agrees with Obama Plan

Today, it is even more clear that the Iraqi government agrees with Obama on the withdrawal plan of 16 months. Both parties say it depends on the situation on the ground.

This after Bush tried to strong-arm the Iraqis into denying they said what that said.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

This is Sick! Iraqi Arm Twisting

When I heard that a statement went out this morning from the office of Prime Minister Maliki's office saying that his support of Obama's plan for US withdrawal was "misinterpreted", I leaned over to my wife and said, "Oh... look at that, Bush must have made a call".

Well... I was right as rain. It is truly unbelievable that we put up with this from our government. No scruples, morals or positive leadership in any way.

This from The Page:

A White House spokesman says U.S. officials at the embassy in Baghdad contacted Maliki’s office to express concern and seek clarification on his remarks seemingly supporting Obama’s withdrawal plan.

Following the call, an Iraqi government spokesman sent out a statement saying the comments were not “conveyed accurately,” and they “should not be understood as support to any U.S. presidential candidate.”

Adds comments printed in German magazine Der Spiegel Saturday were “misunderstood” and “mistranslated.”

Der Spiegel stands by its version of the conversation. Read their transcript here. Permalink

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What is it with Liebermans?

First there is the traitor Joe and now I hear about this Clinton bundler named Ricki.

She is sending some of the most hateful and shameless attacks against Obama. They make Republicans look nice.

I am sure these are just a few "bad apple" Liebermans and the rest are all very cool.


The 500 People that Will Own the Government Under McCain

500 top McCain fundraisers brought in at least $75.6 million, or about 53% of the presumptive GOP presidential nominee's receipts through June.

So who do you think he will care about if elected? You? Doubt it!

Read more: link

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dirty Old Man McCain

Not a good day for McCain judging from these stories:

- Did you hear the one about the Ape raping the woman? McCain's rape joke... click here: link
- Top econmic advisor Phil Gramm has a secret love for sexy trucker women as indicated by his investment in a soft core film: link
- Cindy "I am not elitist" McCain's quote, "The only way to get around Arizona is to fly your private airplane"... who's is an elitist??? link

Obama = Strategy to Win

Today, Obama gave a speech outlining the importance of a solid "Strategy" view of foreign policy. He referenced the Marshall Plan and that is fitting.

Lack of a long term strategic plan is what keeps getting us in trouble as far as foreign policy is concerned. It is why so many around the world think we speak out of both sides of our mouth.

It is also what often prevents us from capitalizing on tactical victories.

There is no doubt that we have good tactics, that is where the military shines, but putting that strength in the framework of a solid strategy will lead us to long term success.

Adding a new focus on diplomacy and foreign aid is critical.

This worked with the Soviet Union during the cold war and it can work with the leadership of Obama now.

Our current policy now is like trying to beat the Soviets without having NATO in place. Military might must be coupled with strong strategic alliances. This is a major lacking component of Bush & McCains' Iraq policy. They did not form a "coalition of the willing" but rather a "coalition of the coerced".

Republican Records

Inflation at highest pace in 27 years: click

Dollar at ALL TIME low against Euro: click

So not only are you paying more but the money you have in the bank is worth less.

Thanks Bush, McSame and the rest of the Rebuplican crew!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Thank you, sir. May I have another?

You like McCain?

Then you probably like this week's happenings too:

1) GM is now worth less than the Hersey Candy Company.
2) Dow hits "bear" market status.
3) Gas is anchored well over $4.
4) 3rd largest bank failure this week.
5) Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae need a federal bailout
6) Record high forecloses.
7) Dollar weaker then the Canadian Loon.

And, all the above, is in your head.

Thanks Republicans and, especially you, Mr. 25+ years in government McSame!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kick His Traitor Ass OUT!

Nothing makes me more angry than Joe Lieberman.

To have supported him as the Democratic VP candidate and think of where he is today, standing with John McCain on issues that are so far from where the country needs to be be, sickens me.

Joe Lieberman make Benedict Arnold look like a pretty nice guy. I hope the Democratic leadership jettisons him as soon as possible.

More here: link

Obama Right, AGAIN, on Iraq

So now the administration has come to realize what Obama (not McCain) has been saying all along.

Draw down troops in Iraq and fight the real battle in Afghanistan.

Obama has the foresight and right judgment to lead the US to victory.

Read more here: link

Friday, July 11, 2008

John McCain can Lie.... And Gets a Pass

It is one thing to not remember how you voted on important issues.

It is one thing to support endless war.

It is one thing to accuse your opponent on not voting for something that you didn't vote on either.

It is one thing to say the poor economy is in our head.

It is one thing to say that American's are whiners.

BUT... do not lie about FOOTBALL facts.

McCain saying that he recited the Pittsburgh Steelers defensive linemens' names to get through interrogation when it was really the Green Bay Packers is just UNFORGIVABLE.

McCain's Straight Talk is a hoax. This guy is lying and everyone just thinks he is a funny old guy.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

New McCain Slogan... "FREE RIDE"

The major double standard continues. The mainstream media continues to give this guy a total pass on his mis-steps. It is so amazing to watch the media pounce on a single word Obama utters... remember "revise" and even Wes Clark's comments? McSame can flip flop on Iraq, make bad jokes about killing Iranian citizens, have his top advisor say we are a bunch of whiners about the economy, can't remember his votes on things like insurance paying for contraception for women (like they do for Viagra) and on and on and you would never even realize if you watched ABC, CBS, CNN and even NBC.

They must just love this guy... it seems they think he is a cute little squeezable teddy bear to just cuddle with. Really he one of the most dangerous people in America (if you love your country that is).

It can not be summed up better then by this article here: click

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why is McCain NOT Doing Right for Vets?

How is it possible that a former POW has such a terrible record on supporting veterans?

It seems that the media is not exploring McCain's record on supporting vets. They just ASSUME a veteran would be for other veterans but a closer look reveals a pretty terrible record.

Although I have heard McCain claim that he has earned a perfect score from veteran organizations like the VFW, it turns out to be a lie.

Obama, I was surprised to learn, actually has a better record then McCain!

It is telling that McCain did NOT support the recent Jim Webb GI Bill until he was forced to when his political hand was called.

I am sure that many soldiers on their 4th or 5th tour, with no end in sight and their families struggling, may be surprised by this but my guess is that most will not. They are probably watching this stuff more closely than me.

How Long McSame?

McCain's Free Ride Continues

Think about this... if Obama did some of the stuff that McCain has done would the media hold him to a different standard?

Yes, oh YEAH!

McCain joked that our exports of cigarettes to Iran is good because it will kill more Iranians.

That is not funny. We are supposed to be winning the "hearts and minds" of Iranian citizens not killing them. It is their government that we have an issue with. It just shows the McSame does not understand the current policy.

The other thing that is not funny is that we are exporting 10 TIMES as much to Iran as at the beginning of the Bush term.

Am I the only one that is surprised that we are exporting anything to Iran. I thought they were part of the Axis of Evil??? What the F...? Republicans really do suck!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Do You Really Believe This?

So McSame says he will balance the budget in 4 years. Right!

Come on... who is buying this crap?

You really think this guy can balance the budget in 4 years? How long has the GOP been in power? ANSWER: 8 years and they have not been able to do it. As a matter of fact they have lead the raping of the federal budget and McCain is one of them.

Hmmm... cut taxes on the rich, fight unending wars AND balance the budget???

Something is not adding up here. Perhaps he has forgotten how to add and maybe that it is why McCain forgot to pay his taxes on his 6th (or was it the 7th) house he owns.

McCain Says the Economy is "Slowing"

Hey genius, the economy has been slow for some time and is screeching to a halt!

Where have you been? McCain is so out of touch it is embarrassing. I guess when you are used to a lifestyle of wealth and private jet rides, then you forget what it is like to squeeze every cent out of your dollar at the grocery store. Or what is like to not buy your kids the good snacks because the extra money and more went into the gas tank.

It is no wonder that McCain spent last week in South America rather than in The United States of America... perhaps he feels more compassion for those south of the border than those within our own borders. Certainly promising to send our jobs there shows just how out of touch he is.

BTW - Am I the only one that thinks this picture is scary? I mean this looks like the worst team to handle the tough problems the country faces today. We need some inspiration not these tired old politicians at the helm.

The caption should properly identify these guys from left to right: Smiling Traitor, Golam Looking for His Precious and HEY! Get off my Lawn you Punks!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Media Bias

An odd feeling has come over me, it is a lot like deja vu.

I remember back in college when I ran for Student Body President how much I was surprised at the ease that the school news reporters could be swayed to print a particular article or at how blatant news could be twisted with a particular slant.

This experience has given me an extra critical eye on both the print and, especially, TV news media. I do not want to disparage the good college school reporters but there sure were a lot of idiots and they had to get jobs somewhere... my guess, mostly at Fox News.

I look for the little things. Like George Stephanopoulos saying on This Week today that the Holiday weekend provided "No rest for the candidates", yet that is exactly what John McCain is doing this weekend. Bias?

Or the pouncing on Obama for restating his long held position on Iraq. Simply to get out and get out carefully... apparently all the reporters that have been repeatedly emailed by the Republicans to "Look out for Obama's shift on Iraq" took the bait.

What about the "Flip Flopper" argument that is red hot against Obama right now but seems to be passing McCain over when he has done so much more of it?

This ability to lead the media by the nose ring, is pretty shameful. I understand when it happens to Fox News (that is their business model after all)... but when the ABC, CNN & CBS all follow along it is embarrassing to watch.

Here is another one, it appears that these news organization are calling the surge a success. Yet, their coverage of Iraq has been way, way, WAY down over the past two months. How do they measure success? Is it that only a few US service people have been killed, is it that only a few hundred civilians have been blow up? Is it that reconciliation has taken place? Is it that Iraqis are standing up for themselves? What is the measure for this success? How can you call it an "apparent" success when you do not define what success is?

After being lead to war by Bush and the sound bite media's complete lack of backbone to question the march to armed conflict, I think that the media owes us better during the presidential campaign.

It was stunning to listen to Obama's speeches this weekend and watch the sound bite coverage of the campaign. The speeches laid out detailed plans, set a positive tone for dealing with tough problems and showed a man willing to bring the country together by looking at common ground rather than what divides us. Did we get any of this nuance in the coverage? NO!

Instead we get headlines like CNN's "Obama says he has been very consitant on Iraq". Which implies he has not.

How about Politico's Rezko calls straw-donor claim reckless? Why is this even a top headline?

Here's a good one from CBS Black Conservative Group Rips Obama... How many "blacks" does this group represent?

Both Obama and McCain deserve better from the media. We, the VOTERS and CONSUMERS of news, deserve better.

Here are some ideas for headlines we actually care about:

- Why does it cost so much to take your kids to the ER? Or for the medicine after the ER trip? Why is it so much cheaper in every other industrialized country? Are copays, deductibles and premiums really a hidden tax on middle class workers? How much profit did the HMOs make last year? So far this year?
- Why is the price of gas going up when supplies are plentiful? Who is really driving up the price? What don't we know?
- Why is the Taliban regaining power in Afghanistan? What role(s) does the Poppy plant play? What is our ally Pakistan up to?
- Why are there so few subsidies for home builders and home buyers to use alternate forms energy? How much green house gases do coal fired power plants generate? What would happen if Detroit built more "green" vehicles? What is the definition of "green" in this context?
- What factors are leading to CEOs getting paid hundreds of times the average worker in their corporations? Why do companies that perform poorly still pay their CEOs millions? What corporations don't? How does that work out for them?
- Why is the US practicing to bomb Iran? What is Israel's role? What is the current administrations stance on this? What would be the fallout from such an action? Would it make gas more expensive? Would Iran attack the US in Iraq? What would our allies think?
- What are each candidate's positions on the above issues?

Are these topics not sexy enough? How about some real issue discussion rather than distractions? Good media knows to do the right thing... so do it!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

McCain's Trip to Give Away Our Jobs

*** Update! Today's job loss numbers came out with nearly 1/2 MILLION lost so far this year and where is McCain? He is in Mexico talking about how to send more American jobs south of the border. This guy is really out of touch! ***

McCain's rabid support of NAFTA and CAFTA (Colombian Free Trade Agreement) are well known.

Today he travels to Central and South America to promise countries there that he will be sure to send our jobs to them if elected.

Funny that McCain is for giving us all a few cents as part of a gas tax holidays that would cost American construction jobs and now he flaunts our pain as he travels to give away our jobs.

He has the same policy on Iraq. Undying support for the government in Baghdad while he does NOT support the new GI bill until he puts his wet finger in the political air and flip flops on the issue. It is also totally acceptable to him to give billions to the Iraqi while we are suffering a massive economic downturn at home.

This is not just about Republican vs. Democrat. McCain is a VERY scary guy because he acts erratically. Some may call is being a maverick, I call schizophrenic.

A vote for McSame is to doom our children to endless war and economic ruin.