Wednesday, July 23, 2008

America As Inspiration

There was a time, not too long ago, when countries looked to America for inspiration. They looked to America as a beacon of what could be "right" about humanity and the World.

The last seven years has seen that feeling all but disappear. Now, we have a chance to be that beacon again.

Later today, Obama will address a large crowd in Germany. A country that we defeated, rebuilt and saved from Communism. A place that signifies what America has done right in the World.

I want my children to be proud of the fact that what America represents, not only to its own citizens, but to the citizens of the entire World is freedom, opportunity and goodness.

Bush and those like him (McCain) have smashed America's position on these things. It is only with Obama that we can get it back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that speech wonderful? It addressed the issue of making America part of the greater global community and giving the world a reason to believe in the greatness of our country again.

After bleak and dismal years of the constitution-shredding, big-brother tactics of the BUSH REGIME, the words of Barack Obama spoken today in Berlin renew the hope that our country will once again be the "Land of the Free" and the "Home of the Brave."

That McCain had the audacity to call Obama "craven" and suggest that he was a traitor, only speaks to the desperation of McCain's failure to provide his own vision for this country. McCain has revealed his anger and frustration in a decidedly un-presidential manner.

I cannot wait until we get to see these two speak together.