Ever see those shirts that say "I'm with Stupid"?
Well it is official, if you are supporting McCain then you either are just blindly following the party line or, and I hate to say it, you are stupid. The former I can kinda understand, the later is unacceptable.
The McCain ad today clinched it for me. Saying that Obama is the cause for gas prices rising while at the same time saying that off-shore will do anything to drop "gas" prices only appeals to people that are not informed and do not understand the issue.
Fact- McCain has been in Washington for 25+ years and Obama for under 5. So who should have done something about this prior to now?
Fact- Oil is a WORLD market, any oil produced by America is dumped on the World market.
Fact- The US production, even after opening all our fields for development, only is a drop in the bucket compared to the World market.
Fact- There is NO shortage of Gas. Do you see lines at the pump? It is speculators driving up prices... nothing else.
Fact- Adding oil to the mix does nothing to incentivize us to get off oil. I hate the price but we need to get off this oil merry-go-round. It is like giving an alcoholic an extra beer in hopes that will help them kick the habit.
Fact- We did the Gas tax holiday in Illinois a few years back... it did nothing to help the price. Trust me, but it kicked a giant hole in the Illinois state budget.
I will not be pandered to... especially by people that treat me like I am stupid.
If you support McCain then you are with Stupid!
McCain... you look weaker and weaker every day!
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