Something missed by the media is that most everywhere Obama goes people are smiling. No matter if it is meeting with supporters, talking to advisers, meeting World leaders or even taking an aerial tour of Baghdad; when Obama is around... people can not help but feel the optimism of this guy.
It is all about charisma. Some people have it and some do not.
Compare this with the forced laughs at bad McCain jokes or the stoic appearance of the participants in his town halls. Charisma is something all great leaders have (whether you agree with them or not on policy).
It is no small point, sometimes it is force of personality and pure charisma that gets people to put aside differences and come together.
Washington had it, Lincoln had it, Roosevelt (Teddy and Franklin) had it, Kennedy had it, Reagan had it and Clinton had it.
Obama has it and McCain does not.
I could not agree with you more. As an American, I am appalled by the current administration and (by extension) the McCain camp, who cannot say what constitutes an acceptable measure of success that would allow either of them to consider leaving.
It's the same question posed by Obama and others when General Petraeus last spoke before Congress and for which he had no answer (because the Bush Regime won't give him one).
No goal, be it in sports, your work or a war, can be achieved if you do not provide the metrics by which you measure success. If there is no defined end, you cannot know when you have reached it.
I look forward to a President who will use diplomacy first (but also isn't afraid to use our military might if needed) to WAGE PEACE.
I agree with you 10000000%. Great leaders of America and world history were charismatic.
Barack Obama is a charismatic figure who is brillant, compassionate, thoughtful, and a pragmatic idealist who desires positive change for the best interest of all Americans. He wants to lead America as the beacon of light for the world once again.
People all ove the world recognize this quality in Barack.
This is a quality that can not be studied or learned. You have to be blessed with it at birth. Glad to see your post on a MSM blog.
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