The major double standard continues.

The mainstream media continues to give this guy a total pass on his
mis-steps. It is so amazing to watch the media pounce on a single word
Obama utters... remember "revise" and even Wes Clark's comments?
McSame can flip flop on Iraq, make bad jokes about killing Iranian citizens, have his top advisor say we are a bunch of whiners about the economy, can't remember his votes on things like insurance paying for contraception for women (like they do for Viagra) and on and on and you would never even realize if you watched ABC, CBS, CNN and even NBC.
They must just love this guy... it seems they think he is a cute little
squeezable teddy bear to just cuddle with. Really he one of the most
dangerous people in America (if you love your country that is).
It can not be summed up better then by this article here:
1 comment:
yeah... when Obama re-defines or shifts his stance on an issue, it's "flip-flopping".
When McCain does the same, it's "changing your mind."
Frankly, I think McCain could use a new mind. He's is getting a bit senile.
John "I'll NEVER surrender" McCain is scary to me. I cannot help but wonder if he's still fighting the Vietnam War...
A part of me thinks, "Surely the American public can see through this cranky old man's rhetoric..." but then, I remember that somehow we elected the BUSH REGIME not just once, but twice. And that IS scary.
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