Everyone talks about John McCain the war hero but what about John McCain the man that left his wife after she was in a terrible car accident. From what I read, his so called "admiration" for in first wife was only skin deep. Once she had 20+ operations and her appearance changed he started sleeping with other women. He was still married to Carol when he had an affair with Cindy. He filed for divorce soon later.
McCain is a cheater. His character is not representative of family values.
Why doesn't the media talk about this? I have not heard a peep.
They are drudging up Obama's college thesis but no one is asking how come a cheating, carousing liar has come to speak for the so called "values" voters the Republicans claim to represent.
This is why evangelical leaders' support for him is so appalling. This election is about more than one issue. It is about who has the moral compass to lead. Evangelicals should hold their leaders accountable for supporting such a man.
Being a war hero only gets you so far. When you have sex with a bunch of women while married that does not represent the values that I want to teach my children. When you leave your wife because she is not as "pretty" anymore for a rich rodeo queen (Cindy); that says a lot about your character.
Here in Kansas, it shows why Obama has been and is such a good husband. He was raised with strong Midwestern values. His mother and grandparents instilled it in him. Honor means more than fighting wars, it means standing up for your family when times are tough. Not deserting your wife when she has a terrible accident. That is not "right" in anyone's book. It is not the values that we hear about in church or read in the Holy Bible.
It is actually pretty sick, isn't it? I bet many people do not know this. I think if more people, especially here in Kansas, find out about this; they will think twice about voting for McCain for President.
More here: link
1 comment:
I've been reluctant to put much out about McCain's ex-wife because of all the Sampley swiftboat sourcing of such material... but I truly believe that this man is misogynistic.
There's a quote on wikiquotes.org where at least 2-3 people verified that they heard McCain lash out at current wife Cindy, using that word you just don't use... you know, See You Next Tuesday...
What amazes me most is that any woman would support him, much less "Hillary's Women" or the so-called PUMA pac.
I don't know if you are a Keith Olbermann fan or not, but there's a group over at my.barackobama.com called "Countdown with Keith Olbermann Fans for Obama" (see:) http://my.barackobama.com/page/group/CountdownwithKeithOlbermannFansforObama
It works also as a listserv and has about 200-250 people who are well-versed and researched... they provide many interesting links and insights. Check it out. I think you might find it informative.
I mentioned your blog over there because I think they might like reading you, too.
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