Sunday, December 20, 2009

Power of Change vs 50 Years of the Same

In the frustration expressed by Progressives, you can see how deeply the country has slid away from the will of the people.

Do you realize that you have to go back to the 1960s to find ANY truly Earth shattering legislation that has come out of the Congress. That was Medicare. Over FIFTY years since the government of the US of A has been able to truly lead with anything akin to bold initiatives for changing our future for the better.

This is the abyss of the status quo and the moneyed interest represented by the lobbyist.

As I sit her typing this, I am listening to the mouthpiece of the status quo, Mitch McConnell tell Americans that we need to FEAR this change (as represented by health care reform). This is the ploy that we have fallen prey to for 50 long years and you know what? It is our own fault.

For those that know better, we have been too quiet. We should have spoke up. We should not have had better things to do then let out country be stolen by these thieves and liars.

The government is the representative of the "common good" and it can do good work. Those that say otherwise are busy trying to outsource govt services for profit or gutting the budgets that make for good regulations.

The right screams about Socialism, when really it is them and the easily scared that are marching toward a path of destruction for this country. A path that leads to a time when other countries will no longer care what we say or do. Look around... it is already happening.

Curious politics have been afoot in 2009. When would it ever be OK for an unknown Representative to scream "you lie!" during a Presidential address of congress? When would be OK for the leader's of China, India and Brazil to lie about leaving a climate change conference but instead be plotting to sabotage it?

I am sure that a few years before the collapse of the British Empire, there were those that proclaimed that the "sun would never set on the flag of Britain"... then, one day they woke up and it did.

My fellow Americans, wake up. When it is so extraordinarily difficult to get even the simplest most common sense things done in Congress (like health care)... or when the filibuster is used as commonplace, not the rare exception. Something is wrong... we are wrong and we need to change. We need to start believing again. Believing that we are all in this together. That our collective well-being is worth more that the Wall Street million dollar bonuses or the CEO salaries that are 100 times more then the average worker's in the same company. We need to believe that saving a few jobs here in America is worth more that a 2 cent stock dividend.

Wake up America... this great country is being torn asunder by the fear mongering hypocrites that exploit the uneducated. This is your country. Start asking why, and why and why again? Why can't we save the environment? Why can't we have job security? Why can't my children be guaranteed a college education? Why can't we make that product in America? Why can't we show the World that we are a force for what is good in the World?

This is your country.... what do you want it to represent. Think about it!

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