Friday, October 10, 2008

Now is Not the Time for Fear

This is how a president talks...

“This is not a time for ideology–- it’s a time for common sense and a politics of pragmatism…. I believe that we can steer ourselves out of this crisis because I believe in this country.”

This is what we need.

Look at what McMean offers as he implements his "How to lose an election in 25 days plan". People are concerned about jobs and their children's futures and all the McCain camp is doing is attacking Obama with outlandish claims.

This may have worked in the past, but not this time. Americans can see right through these desperate attempts to wreck Obama.

Obama is a good man. He has never slept around on his wife like McCain did to his first wife. He is not an angry old man like McCain. He is smart, unlike McCain. He expects far more of us than McCain and that is what real leadership has always been made of... helping people rise up and realize their potential.

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