Sunday, February 17, 2008

Electability Polls - Sunday 2/17/08 tracks all polls out there and there is more disturbing news for Clinton supporters. If you thought she could beat McCain then check out today's polls:

Pennsylvania: McCain vs. ClintonRasmussenMcCain 44, Clinton 42, Und 14McCain +2
Pennsylvania: McCain vs. ObamaRasmussenMcCain 39, Obama 49, Und 12Obama +10
Oregon: McCain vs. ClintonRasmussenMcCain 45, Clinton 42, Und 13McCain +3
Oregon: McCain vs. ObamaRasmussenMcCain 40, Obama 49, Undecided 11Obama +9

Clearly, Obama is more electable. Her support peaks at 47% and has never risen above that.

We can not afford to lose another squeaker to the Republicans.

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