Wednesday, June 18, 2008


John McCain now is flip flopping on off shore oil drilling. Why? To increase supply???

Any moron that is paying attention can tell you that there is plenty of oil. Have to seen people fighting for gas at the pump? No! It is the speculators that are driving up the cost of oil (where do you think all that money that was going to real estate is going now?)

Don't be a fool and follow this fool McCain. He is pandering... and it is worse. His main economic adviser is a huge proponent of this speculation. Having help gut the regulation around energy we end up with $140 a barrel oil. BTW - Phil Gramm's wife was key in creating "Enron Loophole". Read more here: link

Other recent flip flops: Bush Tax cuts, closing Gitmo, eliminating torture of detainees... my fingers hurt, I will stop now.

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