Monday, June 23, 2008

Rove - Blown Up Repeatedly

Here we go...

Rove and the concerted attack on Obama's character has begun. In synchronous fashion, the talking Rebulican heads come out trying to pin Obama as elitist. Rove, Black, etc...

How ridiculous for the Elite War Mongering Oil Men to be attacking Obama.

I am in Kansas and can tell you what Kansas values are all about. Obama is the best case study for what is great about the Midwest. Struggle, hard work, a little smarts and you CAN do great things.

What is Rove's great accomplishment? Stealing an election then helping to take America to an unnecessary war... followed by helping all his buddies make tons of money off it while good soldiers die in the sands of Iraq.

Charlie Black is no better. Lobbying for dictators around the World.

These are sick people and I hope someday they are prosecuted for their sins. In the end maybe only God will reject them and send them to the fiery furnace of Hell for all eternity where they can get repeatedly blown up by suicide bombers.

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