Monday, March 31, 2008

McCain Introduced - War in His Blood

Why is the media giving McCain a HUGE pass on Iraq. This guy was in Iraq the day before it descended into chaos. Basra is in tatters, rockets are falling in the green zone. Maybe he should go back and take a scroll down Baghdad's main street with that traitor Lieberman.

This former POW, Navy brat, Panamanian child has been breed and raised with war in his blood.

His life is all about war, not peace. What hope do we have of ever finding peace on this Earth with a war monger at the helm. He already has shown a willingness to fight forever in Iraq, no matter the cost. This blind zealotry will lead this country to ruin. Great leaders find ways NOT to use America's military might. What type of compassion does this man have when he is willing to put the interest of Iraq's civil war above the interest of our solders on repeated tours of duty. What about the thousands of US service men and women with sever injuries, what about the over 4000 dead Americans. Will there be 4000 more under John McCain? Tens of thousands more injured. What will he have to pay to get volunteers to fight his hundred year war?

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