Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Olbermann "Special Comment" on Hillary Tonight

*** Update ***

Keith Olbermann delivered one of the best commentaries so far this election season. You could feel his absolute pain to have to lambaste someone he obviously used to admire.

His points about the shady campaign tricks of the Hillary Clinton were perfectly explained. It really does appear that Hillary is using the Republican playbook to take down and the positive candidacy of Obama and the whole Democratic party along with him.

I no longer can, with a clean conscious, go and vote for Hillary. Her remarks about Obama being unqualified while saying McCain was, went over the line, and the blatant attempt to insert race into the contest for Pennsylvania truly makes me sick.

If by some travesty created by evil, she gets the nomination. I am sitting it out.

Olberman Special Comment Video

Well, you knew this was coming considering the lies and distortions that Hillary has been pretty much getting away with in the media. The "Refs" aka The Media has done a terrible job of fact checking and following up on Clinton false attacks and claims.

This is long over due and I hope opens the flood gates on her. She was able to go negative in Ohio without impunity and that is in part due to the media being so easily sucked into the Clinton spin machine.

True, the media is not perfect, but we do rely on them for some sort of check and balance against this type of dirty politics.

I think that the Ferraro comments are the straw that breaks the camel's back here. To suggest that somehow being a black man in America gives you vast advantages over a rich, well connected white women is absolutely insane.

I look forward to hearing Olbermann tonight.

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