Monday, April 21, 2008

My Prediction for PA

Before I make my prediction for the results of tomorrow's Democratic Primary contest in Pennsylvania, let's keep a few things in mind:

1) The Clinton Camp predicted at 20% victory here not too long ago.
2) The ENTIRE political machine of PA is behind Clinton
3) By all rights, Clinton SHOULD win by 20%

Nevertheless, Obama is making a surge in the Keystone State. People, like everywhere else he goes, end up liking the guy once they hear and see him. He is hopeful and that is what the country needs.

My prediction is a 4% win for Clinton.

The results of which should be a death nail in her coffin. As a matter of fact, anything lower than 10% should be a strong signal for her to evacuate the race before she further damages the party and racks up more red ink in her campaign.

10 - 15% I call a draw.

15%+ I would call a victory for the HRC camp (I am spotting her 5% because I am nice).

I go back to my Plea for Pennsylvanians on this. They have a chance to end this and let us get ready for the real contest with McCain.

Please vote for Obama! Yes We Can!

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