Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Why Hillary is Like the Soviet Union

Well... it looks like the Hillary Camp is just about done.

Yeah, she won some contests just like the Soviets got close with Cuba, but in the end it comes down to ideology and pure capitalism.

Just like America was the victor of the Cold War so too will Obama prevail.

He has the ideology of change and a POSITIVE message of hope.

Hillary is more industrial, stale and has a message of fear.

Fear works for awhile, but then people wake up. They grow tired of leaders telling them to fear and make decisions based on the evil of the World.

In the END America basically outspent the Soviets because they had the resources of capitalism and its hopeful entrepreneurial message.

So now, we will see the collapse of the Hillary Empire and a great coalescing around the future positive CHANGE that Obama represents.

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