Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Those That Need A President

Bill Clinton has argued that "those that do NOT need a president vote for Barack Obama".

I think that this shows such malice toward the aspirations of those that seek a new kind of politics. One built from the ground up so we can actually put the American people first rather than the special interests. As I think more about this, it really comes down to your perception of the World.

Bill Clinton obviously thinks that we all need a "Knight in Shining Armor" type to save us from the evil Repulicans but also from ourselves.

Barack Obama's message is not that anyone is going to sweep in and save us, but instead we need to save ourselves. He is asking us to hold our politicians accountable so that change CAN take place. If you really think about it that is what have been lacking for decades in our politics.

It is not that a majority of Americans do not know what is the RIGHT thing to do, it is that we that WE as a people have not taken control of the reins and advocated enough for the changes that we seek.

Obama is asking us to help him make the change. Hillary is not. That speaks volumes about the candidates.

I am ready, I need a President to lead us but I know I will have to be a part of the solution too.

Thank you Barack for giving America this opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...