Saturday, August 2, 2008

Honoring Your Wife? McCain the Adulterer

Here is how John McCain honored the uniform and his loyal first wife, Carol, when he returned from Vietnam...

While Executive Officer and later as Squadron Commander McCain used his authority to arrange frequent flights that allowed him to carouse with subordinates and "engage in extra-marital affairs." Such behavior was a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice rules against adultery and fraternization with subordinates.

This is not all of the story. It just gets worse. Read about it here: link

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. John McCain is a war hero and someone who can lead this country out of crisis based on experience. Secondly, you don't here the gossip about his first wife because she has no complaints. She new she had to many issues after the accident and probably wasn't able to please her husband the way every man needs to be pleased . She is just fine with being taken care of financially. Do you expect a MAN to live with a disabled wife and all her issues and not get what he wants. Sounds to me like you are just a jealous bleeding heart liberal. This is not media bias. There is no issue. His first wife does not say anything bad about him. Do you know how many guys in the service have extra martial affairs to hold them over. Get a life.