Saturday, August 2, 2008

McCain the Angry Bastard

This guy is a piece of work. After changing more positions than I have fingers, he has changed his campaign to "fear monger" mode.

It is laughable to think that a candidate for highest office in the land is putting out ads with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.

We have serious issues facing us and the McCain camp is acting like a bunch of angry bastards.

My guess is that this will work for a little while and people will think it comical... but after Obama has a chance to counter the idiocy of the McCain camp... people will realize that we need a serious president. Not an angry old man who will say anything to win.

The "McSame" charge has now certainly become a reality. If you want another 4 years of Bush, then vote for McCain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And like I said before, stupidly did this without checking to find out that the Hiltons were major donors to his campaign.

Is John McCain STUPID? There's a pretty good article here:
that poses that question...

I hope that is it... but I wonder about the "October Surprise" rumor that surfaces now and then. It does sort of seem like McCain isn't worried about his message...

Am I paranoid? I keep asking myself that -

I hope not!