Friday, August 29, 2008


After Obama delivers one of the most impressive speeches of the campaign, McCain comes out today and gives every woman in America a collective slap in the face!

There are many, many more qualified woman to be vice president. For him to belittle American woman by picking someone with ZERO foreign policy experience, almost NO executive experience and someone who stands for the same conservative mantra that has driven America in the complete wrong direction; is worst then unacceptable.

This is GENDER PANDERING at its finest.

I am not saying that the Governor of the most sparsely populated state in the Union does not have merit. I am just saying, if McCain has a heart attack as president, is she ready to lead. I think not.

This is a pitiful political stunt. I am glad Rush has his "Babe" on the ticket as he said today... but I have a feeling that American women will see through this horrible gender pandering.

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